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Harry Potter and the Era of Hogwarts

Chapter 2 - Phoenix's Den

August 8th, 963

Dawn approached quickly, the first rays of light peeking its way though the dirty window near the desk. As per my new morning ritual I woke at sunrise, listening to the happy twitter of birds near my window. For once, I noted, I was at peace. No longer did every man, woman, child, and magical creature know my name as cherish it as if I was the messiah. No, here I was Phineas Criterion, the traveler in a hooded black cloak. Nobody took more notice than that. More good news was I continued to process the knowledge Tom had imparted to me, and I would need little schooling in the future. While I still had training to do, such as physical training, tunnel apparition, find my dueling style, and practice all the knowledge I had received, I was rather well off as far as defense and I could most definitely fend off any dark evil wizards who decided to invariably brighten my day. Technically I am a dark wizard now, since I know, and will practice dark magic.

One priority of mine was to begin practice on Tunnel Apparition. While the method I had been using had been aptly named Line-of-Sight Apparition for its limited ability to Apparate to only a place within visual range, Tunnel Apparition was what wizards used to transport themselves across long distances. Tunnel Apparition was named for the vortex you traveled through to transport yourself from one area to another. The reason there were two methods was that Tunnel Apparition took much more effort and magical energy to accomplish. The wizard actually creates a tunnel through magical energies and travels through it at high speeds. At the end of the tunnel you are able to view where you would land, and if necessary, alter your course to avoid objects such as people, pets, tables, apparition wards, or even in one poor mans case, an iron spike.

I had decided easily that I would use my time here wisely. Not only would I use the knowledge I had gained from Tom, but I would set out to learn ancient magics that scholars could only dream of. I will learn all I can, even if it takes me years, and then find my way home. Even if I would like to remain as Phineas Criterion of the Middle Ages forever, I still had the future to save from Tom. I was broken from my musings as I heard a knock on my door. I rose quickly and hid my wand up my sleeve before opening the door. I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. It was only Alvin.

"Hello sir, I supposed that you would like breakfast and I came to wake you," Alvin said.

I smiled. How thoughtful of the man. Perhaps this was Tom the Barkeep's ancestor?

"Thank you, what time is it?" I asked.

"Its nearing 8:00 in the morning," Alvin replied.

"Thank you," I replied in kind. Had I really mused for two hours? It wasn't hard with the amount of things on my mind, not to mention to steady incoming stream of knowledge at all hours of the day. While I was excited to learn new things, apparently one of my emerging Ravenclaw traits, the telltale throb in my head tested my patience. Alvin left the room and I opened my bag to pull out a mild headache relieving potion, something that he had brewed in large quantities before my birthday. Finding the crystal vial I pulled off the cork cap and knocked back the thin yellow liquid, which tasted like a mixture between citrus and cherry. Not exactly the most appealing taste, but one of the better tasting potions I had ever drunk. Grimacing a bit, I slipped the vial back into the bag.

I picked up my faded leather travel bag and slung it over my shoulder. I didn't trust the bag alone in the room, after all, it wouldn't be in the best interests of my health were a nosy villager to poke around in his bag and find spell-books. I carefully walked down the stairs and nearly laughed as I saw the same people in the pub that night groaning, drinking tea and eating hearty breakfasts trying to work off hangovers. I sat down at a small two person table after giving my order to Alvin at the bar. While waiting for my breakfast, I idly wondered where I was to go now. Gringotts might be a smart place to start, after all, I could deposit my money and live off that. At the moment, I had no idea what kind of inflation had happened between now and 1996, but I was sure it would be a lot, and the weird feeling I had before my birthday to withdraw over 3000 galleons, 250 sickles, and 500 knuts would turn into a godsend. As of now it could be a fortune, and if I let that sit in the bank, gaining interest for a millenium...well the Criterion fortune would be far above a King's Ransom by then.

I ate quickly once the serving of eggs, strips of pork, toast, and a tin cup of stout had been delivered. Ah how I couldn't wait to return to Wizarding civilization. Perhaps Diagon Alley was around in this time? If it was it would be a large point in my favor. I finished and walked up to the bar.

"Thank you for your hospitality Alvin, but now I fear I must leave," I said to him.

Alvin nodded.

"If you happen to wander through theses parts again we'd be happy to receive you again. Goodbye Phineas," Alvin replied.

I nodded at him and with a swish of my black cloak, something taught to all Slytherins, I stalked from the pub.


Whoever said Tunnel Apparition was hard is right. I have been on a deserted plot of land outside the village for three hours now and I've managed a distance of fifteen feet of travel before the tunnel loses energy and I'm forced to abort the travel. While the grass is comfortable enough to land on should it give out before I am able to abort it successfully, the sensation of falling weightless from the premature ending of the tunnel is almost enough to put me off my lunch. Almost. But like Ron, I am a growing boy, and I must have the ability to Apparate as Portkeys need practice too, and I no longer trust the blasted things. First the cup, now time-travel...they really don't have a good track record with me do they? I believe the only time I have both successfully and willingly used a Portkey was on Stoatshead Hill...oh and the one Dumbledore made me to his office after the Department of Mysteries fiasco. That means there is a 50 percent rate of both successful and willing Portkey travels going on for me right now. Doesn't look very good for them does it?

The rest of my day was used musing about useless thoughts, practicing Tunnel Apparition, and keeping a lookout for villagers. Luckily, my spoils were far more useful than the loss of a single day. I could now Apparate rather long distances, though I would need some major practice to go anywhere far, or anywhere at all without a gunshot like CRACK of air displacement during Tunnel Apparitions. I'm already rather silent with Line-of-Sight Apparition as I make a quiet pop when I use it. I suppose that in a few weeks I'll have both methods silent with diligent practice.

I displace all of my errant thoughts and begin to focus on the mental image of Gringotts. I imagine myself on the lowest step of eight, looking at the silver inner doors and the open bronze doors. I'm drawn into the void and I quickly accelerate along the tunnel. As I reach the end I nudge my course over a few feet as to not materialize inside the poor man who was currently passing under my arrival point. As I arrive I make a loud POP, causing a few consumers of the alley to cast a glance at me before they quickly looked away. Well, at least it was an improvement over a CRACK.

I proceeded to look around the alley. Ah, good ole' Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley are still around in this time, albeit a bit smaller and more medieval, but much closer to what I was used to in the future. I ascended the steps silently, my swift, elegant walk having developed after taking on Tom's knowledge and entered the building.

I strode into the lobby of Gringotts and spotted a free teller. I approached the counter spoke to the greedy Goblin.

"Hello. I would like to open a new account," I said.

The goblin nodded and brought out some parchment along with an inkwell and quill.

"Name?" The monotone of the goblin asked.

"Phineas Criterion," I replied.

"Age?" The goblin asked.

"16," I said. After all, does one year younger matter THAT much? I don't have a magical guardian in this time regardless.

The goblin raised his eyebrow at this a bit.

"I have no parents or magical guardians, thus I am of age," I stated.

The goblin acquiesced at this information.

"Type of vault?"

"High security," I said. It wouldn't do for a veritable fortune to be in a LOW security vault would it?

The goblin handed him the sheet of parchment and I read over the terms of services, the disclaimer, etc. etc. I signed the bottom with a flourish and handed it back to him. He handed me a silver key and spoke again in a monotone.

"Please follow Icenac to vault 24 where you will be allowed to deposit your money and/or items."

I nodded and walked across the lobby toward another goblin who led me to the traditional cart. After the long cart ride down we finally reached the vault. Giving him the key and lantern the doors opened revealing and empty vault. I transfigured my travel bag back into a trunk and opened it. Removing the sacks of money from the trunk I saw the goblin's eyes bulge slightly. I smirked and poured the 3000 galleons, 250 sickles, and 500 knuts out of the bags and into handy piles separated by type. Taking out another, but smaller bag, I scooped in 10 galleons, 30 sickles, and 100 knuts and pulled the drawstring to close it. I put that back in my trunk before shrinking it, placing it in my cloak's inner pocket and walked out of the vault.


One would hardly expect shop keepers to freak out at the sight of galleons would they? But alas it is not so. Apparently a galleon is a fortune in its own in this day and age. Twenty books bought from the book shop in the alley only cost me two sickles. Dragon hide armor was equally cheap, especially for the frightening amount of protection they could provide, but then again, most people lived on knuts and sickles, not over 3000 galleons as I do. Seeing as I don't know much about the current time period and its dangers, I believe it prudent to buy a spare wand, and possibly a sword or quarterstaff. Walking around the alley I found Ollivander's easily. It appears 382BC is correct.

I entered the shop, a bell tinkling above me. The shop appears to be identical to what it is in the future. Same dusty purple cushion in the display case. Same spindly chair in the corner to the left. Same rationing of dust coating everything, giving it and ancient feel. I, once again, jump at the detached voice of Mr. Ollivander, albeit a different one...or was it? Somehow I doubted it.

"Hello sir, may I help you?" Ollivander asked.

"Indeed, I need a new wand," I replied.

"Certainly, but I don't remember you ever coming here Mr?" Ollivander queried.

"Criterion. Phineas Criterion," I reply.

"Interesting name. Now if you'll please stand over here and wave this please," Ollivander said, gesturing to the slightly raised platform I stood on in my first year.

I waved it but nothing happened. This continued for some time, hours in fact. We went through birch, holly, yew, beech wood, oak, willow, phoenix feathers, dragon heartstrings, unicorn tail hairs, 12 inches, 6 inches, 18 inches, 13 inches, 9 inches. None worked.

"You are quite the enigma Mr. Criterion. But there is one more wand I would like you to try before resorting to another, less suiting, wand," Ollivander said.

Ollivander lead me to the window where he picked up a wand that was sitting on the dusty purple cushion in the display window. The wood appeared to be completely black. It was polished well, and had a sheen that one could only strive for when polishing wood. It appeared to be 13 or 14 inches long and had a metal handle.

"This, Mr. Criterion, is one of our oldest wands. It was made approximately 500 years ago in the year 468AD. What makes this wand special is the days it was made on. The work was divided evenly between two days, the summer equinox and the winter solstice. Great magic can be done on these days Mr. Criterion, and this wand was, in part, created with it. The wand is 14 inches, made of yew with a black phoenix feather as its core. The handle is made of platinum. Give it a wave," Ollivander lectured.

As I picked up the wand I felt as if I had found an old friend. The wand was practically an extension of me, and as the silver sparks showered from the wand tip Mr. Ollivander's eyes lit up with a twinkle.

"I dare say that wand must have been made for you Mr. Criterion," Ollivander said.

"Indeed it may have Mr. Ollivander. How much do I owe you for this wand and two wand holsters for the forearm?" I asked.

"A sickle and two knuts,” Ollivander replied.

I handed over the money without complaint and set the holsters upon my forearms, my new wand on the right, old wand on the left.

"Thank you Mr. Ollivander, I appreciate your help," I said.

"Your welcome Mr. Criterion, just remember if you need any help dealing with the future you can ask me." Ollivander said, putting a special emphasis on future.

I nodded him my thanks and left the shop. I couldn't help but notice the emphasis he had put on future, nor the sparkle of understanding in his eyes. It appeared as if he knew my secret, but then again he seemed to know everything. I wasn't even sure if the Ollivander from this time and my time were different people. It appeared to me as if it truly was the same one. After all, I remember that odd look he sent me in my first year. Then again, when were his looks anything but odd? I noticed that a new wand, appearing just as ancient, was set upon the cushion by Ollivander...the one I had seen in my first year.

As I thought of my wands I also recognized another pattern in them, a pattern that was rather reassuring. One of my wands was made of Holly, the Tree of Life. The other Yew, the Tree of Death. One was a Phoenix feather, the other a Black Phoenix feather. They were balanced and so was I. While technically I was a dark wizard as I practiced dark magic, I really could be neither. I was both white and black. Light and dark. I was a balance between them, I was a Grey wizard.


I acquired a few more things that day. A few dark magic books from Knockturn Alley, a wardrobe of nice robes and other clothing from a robe shop, a quarterstaff from the magical weapons dealer, and best of all a nice two story, four bedroom and three bath house in a small wizarding community called Phoenix's Den outside of what I figured to be the probable location for Hogsmeade, though I hadn't seen any sign that it had been built yet as no homes were for sale listed their location as Hogsmeade. Unfortunately, I didn't know for sure as I hadn't had time to crack open my history books, and it was appearing as if Tom Riddle paid as much attention to History of magic as I did, which was just about nil. Kind of funny the parallels between Tom and I. Both neglected and beaten as children. Both of us saw Hogwarts as our home. Both sent back to the place we hated year after year. Both didn't listen in History of Magic...well that isn't really a parallel, as everyone with the exception of Hermione slept in that class, even most of the Ravenclaws took a nap in History.

Oh how I love Apparition. The ease of traveling from place to place made things so much more convenient. When Apparating if you didn't know exactly where you were going (coordinates or image) you could normally stop in mid-transit and create the new tunnel along the way to search for the place, that is, as long as you knew the general area. While it took a lot of magical prowess to search during Apparition, it made things convent. Another useful feature of Apparition was Apparition points. If you didn't know exactly where you were going in map terms, or didn't have a mental image of the place you where traveling you had two options, searching, or if one was setup, an apparition point. It was much like a Floo, you simply concentrated on the 'point name' and the magic guided your tunnel to the point. But luckily, I was provided with an image of my new home and I spared all of the needless hassle of searching or an Apparition point.

Appearing in front my new home in Phoenix's Den I immediately fell in love with the area. The air smelled fresh; there were trees and wonderful plant life everywhere. My new home, Number 6 Phoenix Song Court, was beautiful. Despite being only two stories, the house was enormous, at least in my standards. Aspen trees lined the court, making the little town even more appealing. In front of the house there was a large lawn. A circular footpath made its way from the road in an arc to the front steps and back to the road. Beautiful lilies, tulips, and roses lined outer rim of the path up. The lawn had a few trees on it too, most likely some type of fruit tree, but at the moment I couldn't see any growing.

The house its self was a marvel too. There were four large curved stairs made out of marble getting larger the lower the step was. There were two Greek marble support columns holding up a balcony above the outdoor hallway to the oak front door. Two sets of large windows came out from either side of the front door. Above there was a balcony which no doubt came from the master bedroom. As he opened the door he felt the door keying its self to my magical signature. As I opened the door I let in a sharp intake of breath. Oh yes. I could definitely live here. The floor of the entrance hall was had of mahogany, giving it a natural feel. The staircase was likewise made of mahogany. To the door to the left there was a living room. The second door on the left was a sitting room. To the right there was a dining room, and the second door to the right was the kitchen. The third door to the right was a half bathroom. On the second floor the door directly in front of the stairs would be a training room, the two doors opposite it were bedrooms, and the third door to the left of the stairs was a bathroom. Around the staircase railing and at the front of the house was the master bedroom and bath. The room to the right of it was his study, and finally the room to the left was another bedroom.

Downstairs all of the flooring besides the sitting room and kitchen were made of the same mahogany of the entrance hall. The kitchen was made with a nice black marble that mirrored the counter tops, while the sitting room had plush blue carpeting. Upstairs all of the rooms had the same plush blue carpeting besides the training room, which had the mahogany hardwood. In all, it was a breath-taking house, and the pictures of the place really hadn't done the beautiful structure justice. Fortunately for me, the house had come with furniture and decorations, so I wouldn't have to go out and buy it all. In fact, the house's previous decorator certainly had good taste. Almost as if they knew exactly what I liked, right down to the silver and emerald four-poster bed in the master bedroom. Although...the house may be sentient and could just be decorated to my subconscious desire. I'll leave that question in the air for now, as I feel I should explore the town and meet the residents here.


Had I not known better, I would have thought the entire town worshiped the phoenix. All of the streets had phoenix theme such as Firebird Lane, or Crimson Feather Drive. There was even the Day of the Phoenix, which would be held on August 15th. As I loved phoenixes so much ever since Fawkes and I had met, I had no problem with the town theme. In fact, I think I'll enjoy living here a bit TOO much. Ah if only I had one as a companion, but that is doubtful. After all, I doubt a phoenix would bond with anything short of a pure light wizard...that is, unless I find a Grey phoenix too. Do they even exist? I don't think so though, but I can dream can't I?

Such a beautiful town too. Especially the town hall. The town hall was done in light phoenix tones, or red and gold. Makes you truly wonder where Godric Gryffindor got his house colors, as I certainly haven't seen any raging red and gold lions or griffins in my time...though there was always the possibility of a hexed or spray painted lion. But then again, aerosol cans hadn't been invented in this age. That brings back odd memories of a cat Dudley spray painted green in his younger years. Obviously I was blamed for Dudley's violation of Mr. Tabith's cat.

Walking about the small information kiosk situated on the same land plot as the town hall I picked up a booklet about the upcoming Day of the Phoenix. Apparently it's a big festival dedicated to the phoenix, and it's held on the fair grounds about four 'blocks' from my house. Like China, the town makes a large animal and parades around with it, except it's a phoenix and not a large dragon. There's a talent show, some 'magic' tricks for the small children who didn't know much of anything about magic besides it exists, a dancing contest, many shops, a highly probable chance of wild phoenixes showing up, and a good deal of other fun activities for the Community.

In the booklet it also says August 15th was named the Day of the Phoenix because every year a phoenix or two shows up in this area for some unknown reason. It quite easy in my opinion, but then again they don't have slight Scanning abilities. The grounds where the phoenixes show up, in the center of the town, is thick with concentrated magic and the phoenixes recognize some sort of suffering, or possibly just want a buzz from the magic, how am I to know? It was probably one of the past locations of druidic ritual of some sort...a failed one at that which probably took the lives of quite a few people and concentrated their magic within the ritualistic barriers which had long since dissipated. The nice thing about the grounds around the land is completely free of human building, and the paths make a circle around the land...probably not for the lack of trying anyways.

One interesting thought about the place is that there is an almost overwhelming concentration of magic. The large source of magic is made of the magical cores of around twelve rather powerful people. As any wizard knows, when you use magic, it simply doesn't drain you of magic and you eventually run out does it? No it regenerates. Judging by the amount of time the magic has lingered, the poor souls were probably trying to use some longevity ritual and they made an error, or it was a faulty process, and simply condemned their magical cores to a longer life, while they perished. The ritual's protective barriers probably lasted for quite a while, and by then the magic just lingered. As they are magical cores, they would be able to regenerate their magic easily. In warding, it only took one powerful individual to cast a powerful ward, and didn't take nearly as much magic as their entire reserves held or a constant stream. With the entire power of one or even more frighteningly powerful magical cores behind them...well, can you say, impenetrable? If I were able to absorb even one of these cores, my power would probably increase threefold or more. In fact, there may be a ritual I can use later to absorb two or so, and then protect the rest from being absorbed by using them in warding or other tasks which would require astronomical amounts of magic. Perhaps I can approach the town council after the festival and convince them to harness two or so of them to power the wards around Phoenix's Den, though I have a feeling to not use the others, as they may be used for Hogwarts in the near future...or so my theory goes.

But first, I must do lots of physical training, rituals to increase my strength and magic, and widen my magical channels before I am able to undertake something of such monumental proportions. In all honesty, it would probably take a year or two to reach the level at which I could safely absorb two cores...with permission from the cores themselves of course...I shudder to think of the damage an unwilling core could inflict on me. I could easily be left a squib at best. First, I would have to find the two best suited cores to mine, and then ask their permission to absorb them, and finally integrate them into my core. At that time I would probably reach my magical limit without extensive modification to my core which would probably damage it irreparably. No. I think I'll be happy with two or even one core at that if any. Two cores will allow me to even do feats of magic I never thought possible. It could even allow me to use wandless magic! Most of all, it will allow me the strength to harness the remaining cores to erect the warding, otherwise I would stand a chance of overloading myself with the amount of power I would be attempting to channel, though a group of wizards or witches around my power could probably manage it, perhaps five or six of them.

What scared me the most though was the fact I was seriously thinking about attempting this in the first place. While my destiny did call for desperate measures, my old Gryffindor self would have never thought of this. But this is a smarter route, even if it does take me half a decade to accomplish, after all, this may be the 'Power the Dark Lord knows not' mentioned in the prophesy. He for sure would never expect me to turn Slytherin, go on a time trek, gain an unreal amount of power, and know ancient magics would he?

But alas, not everything goes your way, and I'm positive the moment I defeat Tom with this knowledge and power I'll have gained from the past I'll be heralded as the new dark lord by the Ministry. One who doesn't kill or pillage. One who doesn't have followers or brand them with his mark. No, one with power that the Ministry doesn't have, and like the blind sheep the Wizarding World is they'll soak it up.

It appears I've thought too long again haven't I? I've already walked back to my new home and sat down at the small table in a corner of the kitchen with a cup of tea. I quickly finish the tea and change into silk pajamas bought at Diagon Alley earlier that day in preparation of the day to come. I quickly slip under the comfortable emerald green sheets and lay my head down upon the pillow. All this musing and thinking has left me tired and ambitious. Too ambitious. I'll start small for now. It wouldn't do for me to bite off more than I could chew would it?


A/N: Well there goes chapter two. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it though. First person is so much easier and more satisfying to write than third person is. For any of you who ask, no, Harry won't be a Super!Harry. He might be powerful, but not on the scale of any Super!Harry stories. The kind of powerful I'm thinking of is Harry can make curses more powerful than normal (he's getting Tom's knowledge on how) and duel well able to use all the curses in his arsenal, possibly use two wands at once, but it won't get much more than that. If you don't know what I mean, read Shezza88's The Future Remapped. It's a perfect example of a Powerful!Harry, not Super. I just don't want you all getting ideas and abandoning my story, just because Harry's ambitious side got let out for a walk. Also I hope the detail was acceptable, and if you all want I'll draw a floor plan of Number 6 Phoenix Song Court. I hope you liked the Tunnel Apparitions and Line-of-Sight Apparition, I took a long time thinking of the process, unlike most authors who just say he apparated to 'place'.

If any of you have constructive criticism, please, feel free to post it in a review or email me, it's in my profile. Review responses will be only to those who ask answerable questions, need to be set straight, I have reason to respond, or a certain number of more criteria that I won't bore you with. Just don't feel bad if I don't respond. If you want a response, give me something interesting (like a good question) to respond to. Thanks!

UPDATED: February 12, 2005 for grammar, spelling, and conversion to solely first person point-of-view.

Citan - No, it won't be Super!Harry. I'm sorry about not being able to update Silvertounge as much as you wanted, but this idea is far to good not to write.

Tonnocal - Nup, It won't be a Harry as Salazar, he's Phineas Criterion remember!

Lord Sauron the Deciever - Your really think I did it that well? Well what do you think of this chapter? I agree about laying the groundwork to a story being so hard. Thats why most authors take the easy way out and simply explain who Harry Potter is, give a history and so on.

The ilver erpent - While this technically is not a romance fic, there WILL be some romance in the fic. I like to have some in most of my stories, as it allows more for Harry to do. After all, wouldn't sitting around the whole fic be rather boring for him? I don't mistreat my characters.

Aishwarya - Until the plot progresses more and he finds people to converse with there will be more dialog. I rather like hearing Harry's thoughts though.

japanese-jew - While this will be a slight bit of a founders fic, that won't be the main focus of the story. Thus it'll be mostly a Middle Ages time travel fic with a hint of the founders in it. And I guarantee that it'll be a most unique and original way of showing them.

Talons - ;) The Slytherin within surfaces. Its inspirational eh? Well everyone has to find it somewhere. Usually I listen to a series of songs over and over to get into the state of mind for writing this fic. One of the main songs in the rotation is Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide. It gives me a Slytherin mood.

Tiamante Salazar Tameran - Indeed, but it appears we are among the few who actually write about it. Most of them are goody goody Gryffindor Harrys. After this story I'll probably end up writing a Dark Harry story.

Darak - As you may have noticed, the squad sent for him was going to kill him. So what do you do when your target is about to Portkey away to safety thus making your mission completely unsuccessful? You kill it before it has a chance to leave, and with the timing it might have hit him, then Portkeyed him, thus making him Dead on Arrival. Besides, I doubt a Cutting curse or Pain curse would have the unstoppable power of an AK to disrupt a Portkey.

B-A-HPlova22 - If you can't stomach the idea of Harry going the Sorting Hat's route and using his Slytherin side, which would be much better suited to survival, then don't read it.

BloodRedSword - Slash is something I don't read, nor write. And H/G and H/Hr is such a tired pairing. If you read my profile, it'll show I have a tendency to like rare pairings.

Eternamente - You know...I heard mental help at St. Mungos is rather cheap during the holday season. ;0

Lady Phoenix Slytherin - I'm glad you approve, though I think you should continue your work on the Harry as Salazar fic you started. It was just getting interesting when it stopped getting updated.

thefirstphoenix - I stole the first name from the old Headmaster, yes, but Criterion I got from some quirky thesaurus entry on phoenix. Harry will meet the founders, yes, but as I said in an earlier review it won't be too central to the story, and will be in a pretty unique way.

Shadowed Rains - It certainly is a unique writing style, though its hard for me to make it to the state of mind to write like that. *growls at mind*

FF-loverHP1 - The plot will be quite...different, but somehow I think this story will be even better than Heir of Silvertounge. This will be even more original than it too.

Slimpun - Indeed, I know that Old English was around in that time, as well as everyone spoke differently. I tried, and failed, to create something like it, and it ended up sounding like a Monty Python movie. I'll either leave it as a plot hole, or explain with some logical reasons in the next chapter or two.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my story, and review.

Lord Ravenclaw