8:23 am Friday 23 March 1996
A loud boom and a shaking ground interrupted breakfast that morning. Harry gave a loud gasp and pressed his hand to his scar. Ron and Hermione looked at him with concern.
“Its Him,” Harry said. That was all they needed to hear.
9:23 am
Dumbledore was getting the members of the Order ready while Harry, Ron and Hermione were helping the D.A. After last year ¾ of the students had signed up, including several Slytherins, Malfoy one of them. Apparently he has seen his mother being tortured under the Crucio curse when he arrived home last summer. Lucius had escaped Azkaban and was punishing her for some odd reason. He had just arrived in time to see his mothers dead body hit the ground, her shock on her face still apparent. Since then Draco had hated his father with a passion and had called a truce with Harry.
“All right, This is it.” Harry looked out at the students. Some were crying softly as they readied themselves, no doubt comprehending the severity of it all.
“Today the war will end. Either way. I am confident that we will win. We have spent the best part of a year training and we are better than them.”
Harry could still see they were unsure and nervous. His voice grew louder. “It is time to make a stand. We can not allow the Atrocities of Voldemort and his Death Eaters continue. It is up to us. Remember Cedric. Remember Ernie. Remember all those who have suffered and WE WILL WIN”
His voice roared in the hall and there was silence. Then a 3rd year Hufflepuff started clapping. Some Ravenclaws quickly followed him and pretty soon the entire Hall was cheering for Harry, including some Order members.
Moony came up too Harry. “Great speech” he said, his amber eyes radiating with pride. “Your parents would be proud.” Harry gave a smile and quick hug to his second Godfather. With his voice muffled by Moonys robes he said. “Take care, okay?”
11:23 am
The battle raged hard as the forces of light and darkness clashed on Hogwarts grounds. On the side of dark there were Death Eaters, Giants, Giant Spiders, Snakes and some Vampires. On the side of light there were the Order Agents, the D.A, the werewolves, the Mermen and a vampire tribe who had committed itself to Dumbledores cause.
“Stupefy!” Harry shouted, and a beam of red light slammed into a Death Eater, knocking him out cold. He turned around and ducked, just missing the hex that passed over. He whipped his wand and the Death eater slammed into the ground hard. He paused, taking in the battle while catching a breath.
Ron and Hermione were leading the D.A to great success. Ginny and Neville, was right behind them. Remus was over by the lake, stopping some Giants attacking the Mermen, who were using the form of aquatic magic against Voldemorts Army. And Dumbledore was in the middle of it all. He was truly a great wizard, dodging spells while countering with equally powerful ones. He eyes drifted to the man 50 meters in front of him. Lord Voldemort. He was watching the battle with a smirk on his face, enjoying it every time someone got killed. Harry gripped his wand and stood up. Time to end this.
“Hello Tom” Harry said coldly, just standing 10 meters in front of Tom. Tome gazed maliciously at him, his red eyes burning into Harrys green eyes.
“So Potter, so anxious to die” he hissed.
“As Dumbledore said, there are worse things than death, and I plan on introducing you to them very soon.” Harry retorted, his body tense, waiting for the moment to strike.
“So be it. Neither shall live when the other survives.”
12:11 PM
Harry weaved a protection spell around himself, dispelling the curse. He waved his wand a produced a bright bolt of magic, which slammed into a shield. Harry narrowed his eyes. They had been at it quite a while, and while neither seemed to be getting the upper hand the D.A was all gone for good. He had seen them perish. Ron had taken an Advada Kedavra curse for Hermione, his fiancee-to-be. Hermione, so wrapped up in her rage advanced and literally blew the Wizard to bits. Then got hit by a Severing charm in the neck. Ginny and Neville went out together, dying in each others arms as the Vampires surrounded them. They cast an explosion spell together, which wiped out ¼ of the vampires and themselves. The last view he had of them was kissing.
Dumbledore had been wounded long ago, and was lying in the blood stained grass. His normal purple robes were smeared with grass and blood. Remus, oh Remus had been crushed to death. The werewolf had charged for Tonks, his lover and had been hit by a giants club. And it was all Toms fault.
He ducked a curse and retaliated. It wasnt over yet.
12:45 PM
It was officially over. Lord Voldemort had lost, and Harry had killed him with love. As Tom was attempting to posses Harry, he had drawn the Dark lord into his body. Tom had struggled fiercely but Harry kept him there, oblivious of his own pain. With concentration he thought of every happy and loving memory. His parents cooing at him as a baby, his great times with his friends, his mentor Albus, smiling at him with twinkling eyes.
With a cry of pain the Dark Lord had died in Harrys body. There had been a consequence of this action, though it was unlikely Harry had much longer to live or care about it. He had assimilated Tom; mind. Memories, emotions, spells, rituals of he dark, he knew everything about Tom. He saw him get abused by the muggles at his orphanage, he felt his excitement at going to Hogwarts for the first time, he saw him cast his first Advada Kedavra at his father and he saw his long and tedious rituals to become the Lord he was today.
Harry finally looked up, expecting a Death Eater to finish him off. Nothing. A cold mist was present on the grounds. Trees were splintered and destoyed and carcass of all races lay on the floor. Behind him, Hogwarts was destroyed, its towers crumbling. Harry saw a tiny movement coming from Albus. Gasping, he crawled over.
“Sir, Wake up” he said urgently, pain and sorrow in his voice.
“Harry...Proud...Luck...” Albus whispered, his strength gone. With a trembling hand he reached in his robes and pulled out a time turner. His eyes bored into Harrys. “You must...Fix time... Go...” and with that Albus Dumbeldore, Headmaster of Hogwarts drew his last breath.
Harry stared at the time turner. He threw it around his neck and gave it 20 spins, enough time to warn the Headmaster. A sudden movement caught his eye and he looked up. Lucius Malfoy stood above him, his blond hair dirtied and his robes frayed and blood soaked. He was clutching his side and had he wand pointed at Harry.
“ADVADA KEDAVRA” The green light of death spiralled towards Harry, who was too injured and weak to do anything.
Free, I can see my parents Harry though blessedly. The curse struck him in the stomach, right where the time turner was. A white glow surrounded him and grew brighter and brighter until he couldnt see anything.
1969 July 23rd
Lily Evans, 8 years old and proud of it was walking in the forest near the park. She had long red hair and green eyes, which peeked innocently at you. She stopped and withdrew her book. Sitting down she started to read it. A faint glowing deeper in the forest caught her eye.
“Whats that?” she muttered to herself. With her curiosity overriding all others logical and reasoning she ran deeper into the forest until she came to a clearing. She was not alone. A boy, about 16 was leaning back on a tree. He was very hurt, she could tell.
“You all right Mister” said Lily. The strangers eyes looked up. His emerald eyes pierced through hers, leaving her squirming as if he could read her mind.
The stranger gave a ghost of a smile. “Not really” He said, wincing as he stood up. Lily could see blood running down his robes. Apparently so could the stranger, as he tried to change the subject.
“Whats your name?” he asked as he stood up, leaning on a tree for support.
“Lily, Lily Evans” she said bravely. The stranger shot her a startled look. “Im Harry” he said finally.
“Nice to meet you” Lily replied, and with all the courage she had walked forward and stuck out her hand. Harry smiled and shook it, because going into a fit of coughs.
“Youre sick. Do you need a doctor?” she asked innocently and wrinkled her nose in disgust. “You smell sick too”
Harry stared at the outspoken girl. “I am sick. Im dying” he admitted.
“Can I do anything?” asked Lily, chewing her bottom lip.
Harry shook his head. “No, unless...” His face lit up in a dawning realisation. “Do you trust me?” he asked urgently.
Lily frowned then after a moments hesitation nodded her head.
Harry smiled. “This may hurt” he warned then began chanting under his breath. 1 minute later he dropped to the ground. He was dead.
Lily blinked back tears. The nice boy. Harry had had died. The body began to shimmer and dissolved into green swirly lights. (Like pyreflies from FFX) Lily gasped. It was beautiful and she couldnt the impulse of touching one. It was warm, was all she managed to process as it entered her body, then the pain began. It was blinding and hot and had Lily screaming and crying in the ground.
And as soon it started it was over. Lily huddled on the ground, her face botchy with tears.
Are you alright?
“WHAT!” she screamed and looked around. There was no one there.
Its me, Harry
“Where are you?” asked the confused girl.
In your head
“How?” Magic
“Magic isnt real” Lily protested.
One, it is real and you dont have to speak out loud for me too hear you
Concentrating Lily mentally replied. Explain it
The voice in her head, Harry gave a good-natured laugh. Well, it all begins with a school called Hogwarts...
Title: Turn Back Time...and Stuff Everything Up | A vintage story of Shezza88's, exclusive to PatronusCharm. | |
Author:Shezza | + / - | ASSSTV | |
Rating: PG-13 | Category:Action/Adventure/Timetravel | Reviews:6| Published: July 01, 2008 | Updated: July 01, 2008 |