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Chapter 1 The Beginning


A baby boy looked out at his parents for the first time, and gave a small cry, he was 7 pounds 11 ounces, had dazzling green eyes and messy black hair, this baby’s name is Harry James Potter.

His parents were so proud of their new baby, and expected him to do great things one day, like become a Gryffindor, get good grades in school,(His mother) have a natural talent in Quidditch (His father) and maybe even play some pranks, and make some life long friends along the way.

But little did they know that that was not to be, but more about that later, right now we leave the Potters and their little (Perfect) baby boy.


Nine months had past since Harry had been born, and it was quite an eventful nine months. The Potters had found out that their former friend, Peter Pettigrew, had betrayed them to Voldemort.

Peter had escaped but barely, and was now on the run, Voldemort was still at large so not many people knew where the Potters were so they didn’t hear from most of their old friends, like the Longbottoms, but they where happy.

Harry was anything but perfect, he always cried at night, he hated to be away from his mother, he loved to play with his uncle Remus, and he adored his godfather Sirius. He was looking more and more like James, messy hair and all, but he had his mother Lily’s dazzling green eyes.

Every thing was normal until one evening, when they made mistakes that would drastically change his future. Lily and James had to go back to work, so they left Remus in charge of young Harry, that was their first mistake, you see it was the day after a full moon, so he was exhausted….

“Remus are you sure you’ll be ok?” asked a concerned Lily, Remus nodded and yawned a little, “I’m (Yawn) sure everything will be ok, Harry will be fine,” Lily was rubbing her hands together worriedly.

James seeing his wife‘s distress took her hands and kissed them “Don’t worry Lily, Harry will be fine,” Lily took one last look at Harry, “Ok…” she said a little apprehensively.

James had to drag her to the fireplace, which made it hard to grab the Floo powder on the mantle, James stepped into the fireplace and pulled Lily in after him “Ministry of Magic!” James shouted, and they were gone. Remus looked at Harry, “Well, Harry what do you say to a nap?”

Harry gurgled sleepily making Remus laugh, he carried Harry to his crib in Lily and James’ room, and opened the window in the room a crack, it was a nice day and Remus thought it would do Harry good to get some fresh air, another mistake, Remus yawned and went into the living room and started a fire.

The warmth quickly put him to sleep, the last mistake.

While this was all going on someone was watching the house with an unblinking gaze, waiting for one little slip, and now seeing his chance he struck. Voldemort had been watching the Potters house for the past 4 months. Waiting for the opportune moment, and now he saw his chance, the open window.

Since it was open the break in charm on the windows was deactivated. He had no trouble finding Harry, he was sniveling in his crib, Remus had forgotten to give him his favorite stag stuffed animal so he couldn’t sleep.

Voldemort approached the crib catching the infants attention. He turned his startling green eyes to the man.

Voldemort looked at Harry, and Harry looked at Voldemort, Voldemort looked more like he was when he was Tom Riddle except his eyes, they where red, and he was more pale than normal, but still looked human.

Voldemort pulled out his wand, watching as Harry went cross-eyed to look at its point, and started the spell, “Blood of two, will now become one, family of two will now become one, what was once tainted, will now become pure, heart of my heart, blood of my blood, what is two is now one!”

While he said this he used his wand, which was glowing a bright white, to draw a small cut on Harry’s forehead with his wand, in the shape of a snake, he did the same with his wrist, and when he said the last line he pressed them together, magic poured into Harry, his untidy hair was more manageable, his once green eyes turned a deep blue color, almost black, and Harry James Potter, was now Harry James Gaunt Potter.

He was now blood related to Voldemort, he was now the Heir of Slytherin, and now he had no drop of impure blood in his tiny veins. Voldemort cast a healing charm on his wrist and on the boys head, making sure that the scar on Harry’s forehead would be permanent.

Now that his job was done he had to get back to the Death Eaters, knowing his heir was safe in the Potter household. He had an attack to plan on the Longbottom household.

Harry watched all this happening through his now blue eyes, something in him had changed, his mothers blood was now gone, now he was a pureblood a Potter and a Gaunt, and nothing could change that now.

He kept quiet until his parents had come home, watching the snitch mobile circle his head.

To say his parents where angry at Remus for falling asleep was an understatement, they instantly rushed to Harry, and where stunned to find their baby with Blue eyes, perfectly quiet, and the strange scar on his forehead that looked like a small serpent in the shape of an S.

Lily tried to pick him up, but when she did he would cry until his father held him. Now Harry was never as attached to James as he was to Lily so it was strange when he wanted James to hold him, they thought it was a one time thing. But when he wouldn’t even let his mother touch him for weeks, they started to get worried.

His whole personality had changed in only a few hours, he was always quiet, he didn’t seem to like his mothers touch, he adored his father, he also seemed to be a little annoyed with Remus but he still adored Sirius (To his delight).

They hoped that with time he would go back to his loving nature.


Harry was still the same as he was when he was a baby, he was quiet, and still favored his father to a point, but still loved his mother a little. Even if you didn’t notice it at first, some affection was there, even if he didn’t want to admit it.

He still liked Remus, they would read quietly together and talk sometimes, he idolized Sirius, when the two where together they where always laughing and swapping stories about what they had been doing since they had last seen each other.

The small family was excited when he got his Hogwarts letter, he hadn’t shown any accidental magic, and for a while they thought he would be a squib.

But now he was 11, had his Hogwarts letter and was going to get his school supplies…

“Harry, its time to go to Diagon Ally!” Lily shouted up the stairs, “Coming!” he shouted back, Harry was excited he was finally going to get his supplies, and his wand, he was looking forward to that the most.

He couldn’t wait until he could do magic, sure he had done magic before, but that was mostly accidental, his parents had never seen it before so they where worried he was a squib. But they wouldn’t have had to worry about that.

If he had been a squib he would have killed himself, what was better than magic?

Well a good book maybe, but not much else. Harry tidied up his hair, it looked like it would never be like his fathers he thought with pride.

There where two things he liked about his appearance, his dark blue eyes and the scar on his forehead, he didn’t know why he liked it so much he just did, it was his most interesting feature, his parents had tried to remove it when he was younger, but they couldn’t. He traced the scar fondly.

“HARRY!” his mother shouted, “TIME TO GO!” he sighed, his mother was one of the most pushy people he had ever met, that made his limited affection for her go down a bit.

He hadn’t told her he loved her yet, as far as he was concerned she wasn’t worthy of his love yet, actually he had never told anyone he loved them before, not even Sirius, maybe he should wait until he found out what love is… Harry shook his head as rushed down stairs, he had no time to think about love.

“Hello mum.” he had tried to call her Lily once, she grounded him for a month, so he stuck to Mother or Mum now, it was always best to stay out of trouble were his mother was concerned, she had a nasty temper he wanted to avoid.

“About time, what took you so long?” Harry shrugged, “Making sure my hair doesn’t look like dads.”

“HEY! There is nothing wrong with my hair!” James glared at him, and ran a hand through his messy locks.

Lily tried not to laugh. “Let’s just go, Padfoot is waiting for us at the Cauldron,” at that Harry perked up, “Lets go then!” he grabbed some Floo powder, jumped into the fire place, and shouted “The Leaky Cauldron!”

Harry hated Floo powder, the spinning made him sick, and he always got hot ash all over his body, but this time he was lucky, he actually got out pretty clean, he thought as he jumped out of the fireplace.

He brushed off as much ash as he could and looked around, he saw Sirius talking with Tom the bartender.

“Hey Sirius!” Harry shouted, Sirius turned, “Harry! Where have you been, I’ve been waiting for a half hour,” he looked behind him “Where are your parents?”

After he said that Lily and James walked out of the fireplace, they had a lot more ash on them then he did. “Harry, you shouldn’t run off like that.” Lily scolded.

“Aww, come on Red, Harry’s fine! See!” Sirius said cheerfully, ruffling Harry’s hair sending some soot flying.

“Don’t call me Red!” she growled as she cast a cleaning charm on all of them. They went into the barren spot all squeezing in uncomfortably, and let James tap the bricks to open the path to Diagon Ally, the arch formed and they entered the Ally.

“Now lets get your books first,” Sirius and James groaned, but Harry and Lily ignored them, after they got his books they got his potion supplies, James and Sirius stayed outside for that.

Then they went and got him an owl, she was a very pretty snowy owl, Harry decided to call her Hedwig, while his parents went to take Hedwig back to the house, they sent Harry with Sirius to get his robes.

“I’ll go get us some ice cream, you go in and get your robes,” Harry nodded, and went in. A middle aged witch with a kind face greeted him, “ Hello dear, are you here for your Hogwarts robes?” Harry nodded, “Let me finish with this and then I’ll get one of my apprentices to do your robes.”

The ‘This’ was a boy, he was pale, with very aristocratic features, he had blond hair, and steely grey eyes, ‘A Malfoy,’ Harry thought instantly, “So you’re going to Hogwarts too,” the boy asked, Harry nodded, “Your parents are our kind, right?”

Harry nodded, “Yes,” he wasn’t lying, his parents WERE a witch and a Wizard, even if his mothers blood wasn’t exactly pure, he felt as if his was, even though he knew it was impossible. The boy looked pleased with his answer.

“What’s your name?”

“Harry Potter.”

The boy nodded, “A Gryffindor family.”

Harry rolled his eyes, “Don’t expect me to be in Gryffindor just because my family was.” the boy looked surprised, but shrugged, they stopped talking for a minute when the witch went to shorten the neckline, and another witch started on Harry’s robes.

“You’re a Malfoy aren’t you?” Harry asked, the boy nodded, “Draco Malfoy.” Harry smiled and shook his hand, (Much to both seamstresses displeasure) he had a feeling that he would like this boy.

“So what house do you want to be in?” Draco asked.

“Anything but Hufflepuff.” Harry said. Draco’s smile got wider, “You know Harry you aren’t all that bad.”

They talked until Draco had to leave, “See you on the Train!” Draco said happily as he paid for his robes and walked out to his father. It got very boring after Draco left, all he could do was stand there waiting, and every once and a while he would look out the window to check if Sirius had come back yet.

The witch that was working on his robes was almost finished, and Harry didn’t have any money on him, he sighed and looked out the window, where was Sirius?

Sirius didn’t show up until the very last minute, when Harry had his clothing and was about to come up with some excuse as to why he couldn’t pay for them.

“Where were you!” Harry shouted angrily, as they left the store. Harry had never been mad at Sirius before and he didn’t know why he was now, all he was, was a few minutes late. Not a real reason to get angry.

Sirius looked surprised “Calm down Harry, The line was really long, they had a new kind of ice cream, see,” he held out a cone with some kind of ice cream that changed colors every few minutes, “It changes flavors.”

Harry calmed down after a few licks of ice cream, but was still annoyed with Sirius.

“Where are my parents?” Sirius shrugged, “They should have been here by now,” and once again, as if by magic, his parents appeared, “Sorry Harry, your father got sick on the way home so we had to apparate.”

Harry nodded, his father had always gotten a little sick when it came to Floo power, they had that in common.

“Now, did we get everything we needed on your list Harry?” Lily asked, Sirius answered for him “He still needs his wand.” All annoyance left Harry’s mind, and a grin spread across his face.

“Lets go get my wand.” Harry said excitedly, that was what he was looking forward to, the thing he had been waiting for all day, getting his wand.

He practically dragged them to Ollivander‘s, (Makers of fine wands since 382 B.C.) “Mum, Dad, I kind of want to do this myself.” he said as they were about to enter the store. They looked surprised, but nodded.

Harry walked in, there was a man with his back to him, going through a drawer filled with feathers, all a bright red or golden color.

“Hello?” the man jumped and turned, his pale eyes widened like he had seen a ghost. “Mr. Riddle?”

Harry’s eye narrowed, “You are mistaken, I’m Harry Potter,”

“Mr. Potter?” Ollivander asked confused taking a hard look at him “Are you sure you don’t have any relation to Tom Riddle?”

Harry shrugged, “I really don’t know,” Ollivander looked carefully at him, “May I check? It wont hurt.”

Harry shook his head, “I just want my wand, and yes it will hurt!” he snarled, he knew it would hurt, he didn’t know how he knew, but he was sure he was being lied to. He hated liars.

Ollivander looked startled at his sudden outburst, but didn’t say anything about it, “Very well then, what is your wand arm?” Harry held up his left arm, that just made Ollivander want to know more about him, Tom Riddle was left handed too.

He measured him and quickly went for the first wand, “Unicorn hair, Ebony, eight and a half inches, springy,” Harry touched it, nothing, “Dragon Heartstring, beech wood, nine inches, flexible,” once again nothing, “I wonder… try this holly, phoenix feather, eleven inches nice and supple,” Harry waved it nothing…

It was startling when none of his wands worked for the boy, “I’m sorry Mr Potter but none of my wands will work for you, never in all my days have I seen this happen,” he frowned, and went deep into his own thoughts, perhaps that wand in the back…

“I have one wand left, but its old, my great, great grandfathers last work, its dangerous though, its last owner made sure no one would be able to use it except for someone of the family line.”

Harry was interested now, “Let me try it.” Ollavander nodded and went into the back, and brought out a long slender box. It was an elegant looking box with designs of some sort of animal on it, but they were so faded it was impossible to tell what had once been there.

Harry opened the box, and there lay a black wand, “Fifteen inches, Basilisk fang, made of the bark of a silver tree, they are long extinct now.” Harry picked it up, he felt power flow through him, filling him with a pleasant heat that turned into a fire, two spurts of green light came out of the wand tip, in the shape of giant snakes and surrounded Harry.

They seemed to melt into his body, when that was done the wand just sparked out green and sliver sparks, the fire was gone, but the wand still pulsed with power in his hand. Ollavander looked in awe at Harry, “How much do you want for the wand?” Harry whispered.

“Keep it. Free. Keep case,” he gasped out, Harry nodded and left, Ollavander quickly grabbed a piece of parchment, he scribbled out a message and went to his Augurey, he flew faster than an owl would be able to. This was important.

“Take it to Dumbledore QUICKLY!” the bird gave a squawk and flew out of the window, he knew he was only used in emergencies so the vulture like bird flew as if a starving dragon was after him.


In an office at Hogwarts an old man had just received a message brought by an ugly vulture like bird with only five words.

Slythren’s heir has been found.

He looked at the parchment in shock, this was impossible, their was only one heir of Slytherin, how could there be two? He grabbed a clean piece of parchment and quickly asked for Ollavander to meet him at the Hogs Head, this was one mystery he would solve.
