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   “No, please, no, don’t be dead, please…”

    “Just unconscious, it seems,” Tonks said quickly, blinking quickly as she pointed her wand at one of the first year girls. “Enervate. Enervate. Oh, come on, wake up!”

   “This is worse than unconscious, Tonks, the blood stains are spreading up the walls!” Harry said, very real panic filling his voice as he pointed at the walls. “They’re dying, and those letters are only getting bigger –”

   “Deletrius!” Tonks snapped, pointing her wand at the bleeding message – but to no avail. They still hovered in the center of the circle, a damning indictment…

   Harry felt bile rise in his throat as he knelt next to Cho, looking around desperately as her head lolled on the floor. “We’ve got to do something!”

   Tonks shot to her feet, the first traces of fear filling her own voice. “They can’t be seen like this – you can’t be seen like this! We’ve got to get out of here now! Come on –”

   “We can’t just leave them like –”

   “Harry, if Umbridge sees this – if anyone sees this –”

   Harry thought wildly as he rose to his own feet, looking at the damning words hovering in the room. “Dumbledore – he knows I wouldn’t have done this to the girls –”

   “We need to leave, and find a teacher who’s on our side,” Tonks whispered frantically, tearing open the door and looking carefully down the hall. “Try running for the Entrance Hall, I’m sure you can find someone –”

   “Right,” Harry said, trying desperately to regain control. Turning away from the ghastly scene, he shoved his way through the door and began to run towards the stairs. Surely someone would –

   “Watch where you’re going, Potter!”

   “Professor!” Harry said, his eyes widening as he barely managed to skid to a halt at the edge of the staircase. “I need your help, there’s been an attack!”

   Professor McGonagall’s thin eyebrows narrowed as she straightened her travelling cloak. “An attack, Mr. Potter?”

   “Four Ravenclaw girls, they’re dying, and it’s implicating me as the attacker!”

   “What on earth are you talking about?” Professor McGonagall asked with a note of surprise creeping into her voice. “You’ve been with Auror Tonks all evening!”

   “I know, but –” Harry looked around frantically before lowering his voice – both Professors Flitwick and Sprout were coming up the stairs, and Harry knew they weren’t in the Order. “If Umbridge sees this…”

   “I say, Mr. Potter, why are you – Merlin’s beard, you’re covered in blood!” Flitwick exclaimed, his thin voice only getting higher as Harry swallowed hard.

   “Filius, according to Potter, there’s been an attack, and he’s been implicated,” McGonagall said sharply. “Pomora, get Albus immediately. Filius, find Poppy and Severus and get them up here. I’ll investigate this personally.”

   “Severus is gone again, Minerva, and none of us know where he is –” Flitwick began helplessly.

   “Then get Madam Pomfrey, and hurry!” Harry shouted, his nerves already strained to the breaking point. “As soon as Umbridge or H.A.I.T. sees –”


   Harry’s face went pale, and the cold lump of fear coalesced in his stomach as he turned towards the hall from where he had left the girls. Standing at the end of the hall – short, toad-like, and red-faced with fury – was Dolores Umbridge, dressed in iron grey robes that made her look like a rather hideous boulder.

   And behind her stood four, grim-faced members of H.A.I.T. that Harry didn’t recognize – all with drawn wands.

    “Pomora, go. Now,” McGonagall hissed quietly, her own thin wand sliding free. “Filius –”

   “I would be better here than –”

   “The less of us dragged into this, the better!” McGonagall snapped, her wand raising a fraction towards Umbridge, who was screaming something incomprehensible down the hall at the Hit Wizards. “Go, Filius!”

   Harry drew his wand quickly, even as Flitwick began to move as fast as his short legs could carry him. “Professor –”

   “Potter, this is beyond your skill to handle,” McGonagall replied curtly, even as the H.A.I.T. members began to move down the hall. “And the last thing we need is you getting implicated for more crimes –”

   “There’s Potter, Stun him!”

   Harry instinctively dove to the side as three bolts of red light streaked down the hallway – three bolts McGonagall effortlessly parried with a wave of her wand, conjuring a fine shield of white light that sent the bolts bouncing away to dissipate into the walls.

   “What is the meaning of this?” McGonagall barked. “He’s a student, and this is completely out of line!”

   “And aiding a criminal is?” Umbridge shrieked. “Take her, you idiots! Now!”

   More red light erupted down the corridor, but McGonagall conjured the same white shield again, a look of disdain crossing her face as she began to effortlessly parry the attacks. Harry looked around wildly, thinking desperate of where he could even run. Dumbledore’s office, he decided, beginning to run up the stairs –

   Only to see Dmitri Kemester standing at the edge of the next landing, his teeth bared in furious hatred – with two more H.A.I.T. members behind him.

   “Going somewhere, Potter? Incarcerous!”


   Harry instinctively leapt to the side of the spell, and he looked around wildly to see who had cast the shield –

   “I told you to run, Potter, go!

   And with that, McGonagall slashed her wand at the staircase. It shook, and began to move towards another landing, causing Kemester to yelp with surprise as the step scooted away beneath his feet. Harry heard a rattle, and before his astonished eyes, one of the moving suits of armor stepped off of its stand and drew its polearm, angling it towards Umbridge –


   Harry began to run at McGonagall’s oath as the suit of armor she controlled exploded into metal fragments. His trainers were slipping on the slick marble, but he knew if he could cut across the fifth floor, he could at least find another stairwell. Or if I’m lucky, I can find Dumbledore –

   A bolt of blue light streaked past Harry’s shoulder, and he reflexively dodged to the side, bounding off the wall towards the landing leading to the fifth floor. He chanced a glance up to see a flurry of lights and McGonagall slashing her wand violently, but Kemester had vanished…

   “Peto terra!

   And a second later, the Hit Wizard had landed from his impossibly high leap, magic burning on his boots as he swung his wand around.


   Kemester snarled as his wand soared out his hand, but he was already moving towards Harry, his gloved fists swinging towards Harry’s head.

   “Flamma  –


   Harry felt his forearm fracture as Kemester’s hook slammed into it instead of his face. Clenching his teeth against the rush of pain, Harry ducked and scrambled back, his wand coming up.

   “Flamma lacero!”

   The wave of fire erupted from Harry’s wand in a horizontal arc, but Kemester dove for the floor, scooping his wand up in his free hand as rolled to his feet, his wand in a dueling position and a dangerous look on his face as he began to back Harry down the hallway.

   “Not going to fight fair, Potter? Caecus!”

   Harry barely managed to dodge the white-hot light searing towards his face, but Kemester wasn’t waiting for Harry to recover, launching two more spells that Harry didn’t even recognize and only barely managed to dodge. I need to end this and get out of here!


   “You’re pathetic, Potter!” Kemester snarled, deflecting Harry’s hurried curse with a quick slash of his wand. “Try some real magic! Gelumorsus!”

   A wave of blackness erupted from the Hit Wizard’s wand, and Harry felt the temperature in the hall drop. The cold was insidious, creeping through the corridor, frost caking the windows, creating a brittle reflection of Kemester’s sneer…

   Harry felt his restraint dying, and he raised his wand with a shaking hand. No Unforgivables, but there are other spells that can kill besides Avada Kedavra!

   “Occupo scrinium!

   The pulsating beam of blood-red light erupting from Harry’s wand sliced through the blackness, slicing straight through Kemester’s quick Shield Charm to strike the Hit Wizard in the chest. He felt his wand buck in his hand as Kemester stumbled, clutching his chest, but the cold was only getting stronger, and he could feel his fingers growing numb. Think, damn it – what counters a spell of cold…


   The flaming bolt sliced through the blackness, and Harry could feel warmth return to his hands – but Kemester was getting up too, his eyes bloodshot, his lips stained with red –

   “Killing now, Potter?”

   “Reducto!” Harry shouted, but Kemester deflected the curse, sending it into a suit of armor, making it fall into individual plates, clanging and rattling across the floor…

   Suddenly, Harry had an idea. Diving under Kemester’s shouted curse, Harry seized the tiny iron dagger the suit of armor had possessed – one thing was for sure, he wasn’t going to be defenseless in close quarters again. His shattered forearm screamed with pain, but he didn’t care, wildly pointing at Kemester, who was charging forward –


   It was like a wave made of jagged metal. All at once, the shattered pieces of armor clattered off the floor and rose into the air – to streak straight at Kemester. The Hit Wizard’s eyes widened, and he raised his wand to shield himself, but he was too close. The heavy gauntlets connected with his stomach, causing him to double over in pain – only to catch the breastplate, greaves, and helmet in the face. With a final groan, the Hit Wizard slumped over, just avoiding the shoulder guard and broadsword, which banged heavily against the wall.

   Harry got to his feet and cautiously approached the Hit Wizard, his eyes blazing with hatred. He should finish the bastard, end him now. I’ve killed before, and he’s definitely one who deserves death…

   “Dmitri! Damn it, where’s Potter?”

   Harry’s breath caught in his throat – H.A.I.T. was close. He looked back down at the unconscious Hit Wizard, his breathing fast as he pointed his wand down towards the man who had done his best to ruin Harry’s life…

   But they’ll see the flash of green, and they’ll know… and not even Dumbledore would be able to save me here…

   “Kemester, you bastard, where are you?”

   Harry made his decision – carefully picking up the man’s wand, he effortlessly snapped it with a loud crack. See how he likes being powerless, he thought hatefully. Rising to his feet, he stepped over Kemester’s body and ran for the stairs at the end of the hallway –

   Only to see two unknown Hit Wizards running down the stairs. Their eyes went wide the second they saw Harry and their hands went to their wands, but he was ready this time.

   “Stupefy! STUPEFY!”

   The Stunning Spells sent the two men sprawling against the stairs, but Harry didn’t care. Those girls are dying, I can’t just stand here! He cursed himself for wasting time with Kemester as he charged up the stairs towards the room – he hadn’t even thought to stop the bleeding, how stupid was he –

   “It’s Potter, take him down!”

   Harry’s eyes went wide at his newest adversaries. The Auror Wilson that Harry had met getting onto the train all those days earlier when he had impersonating Tonks…

   And the Metamorphmagus herself – the one who had shouted, and who was already raising her wand to attack!



   Harry felt his wand torn from his hand by Tonks’ spell, but Wilson crumpled beside her, his Shield Charm a shade too late. Tonks smiled triumphantly as she deftly caught Harry’s wand and leveled it at him, but he was already moving, rage propelling every step, taking a page out of Kemester’s playbook as he charged…


   Harry swore violently as his feet skidded on the suddenly slick floor, falling hard on the stone. Searing pain erupted from his ankles and forearm, but he was still sliding towards Tonks, already aiming the two wands at Harry –

   “Oh no… you don’t!” Harry snarled, scrabbling for traction as he slid across the floor towards her, coming in fast – too fast. Tonks’ eyes widened as she began to cast a spell, but it was too late – Harry had already bowled her over, sending their wands flying as they scrabbled on the ground.

   “You betray me like this?” Harry roared, seizing a hold of Tonks’ wrist as he worked to pin her to the floor. “After everything we’ve been through –”

   “You’re the criminal, after all!” Tonks spat, bringing her knee towards Harry’s groin. Harry twisted, but he still howled as pain rocketed up his leg at the impact. He wasn’t giving in, though – not to her. He shoved himself forwards, straddling her stomach and seizing her other hand, pinning it –

   But he had too much forward momentum, and Tonks’ kick sent him sprawling to the floor. Harry twisted to meet her attack, but Tonks’ next kick connected with Harry’s chest, knocking him flat against the stone. He could barely breathe as the Auror pounced on top of him, her knees planted on either side of him, her hand squeezing his head against the rock…

   “T-traitor…” Harry wheezed, trying to claw his hands free, but he had no leverage, and Tonks had a victorious smile on her face.

   “Just to show you that I’m always on top,” Tonks whispered back, leaning close and kissing Harry savagely on the throat. He felt her teeth, and despite himself, he shivered as Tonks’ lips slid towards his ear…

   “Play along.

   And in the corner of Harry’s eye, he could swear he saw Tonks wink.

   Harry’s eyes snapped wide, and he was about to say something, but Tonks pressed her lips against his, cutting off any sound as she kissed him viciously, her tongue filling his mouth. He felt his muscles slacken, his pain strangely muting. If this is the way female Aurors bring in their captives, I might just start a crime spree…

   But then the kiss was broken, and Tonks bounded to her feet, leaving a confused Harry sprawled on the floor. She scooped up her wand with a single motion, leaving Harry’s behind –

   He saw his chance, and he took it. Grabbing his wand, he pointed wildly at Tonks’ retreating figure.


   And for the first time that night, he laughed as Tonks fell spectacularly down the corridor, her bad balance only worse without friction as she crashed into a suit of armor, barely avoiding the adjacent torch. Grinning with triumph, he rose to his feet…

   Only to see six H.A.I.T. members – the four who had been fighting McGonagall, and the two who had come down with Kemester – run down the corridor, wands drawn and spraying sparks.

   “We’ve got him! Stupefy!”

   Harry’s eyes went wide, and he raised his wand to attempt to block the spells…

   But none of the Stunning Spells connected. A silvery shield had erupted in their path, blocking every spell with a tinkling chime. Harry could only gasp as he turned to see the caster –


   The Headmaster’s eyes blazed, and in that second, Harry again realized why Voldemort had feared the old wizard. Even as the assorted Hit Wizards and Aurors scrambled for spells that might break the silver shield, Dumbledore was already moving. A single sweep of his wand sent them sprawling with a wave of white-hot air.

   “Too many lines have been crossed here,” Dumbledore said, chill power filling his every word. “And unfortunately, blind obedience has only placed you in a place you’d rather not be. You might want to remedy that.”

   Scrambling to their feet, the H.A.I.T. members did exactly that.

   They ran for their lives.

   “Professor, I –”

   “Not now, Harry, there’s no time,” Dumbledore interrupted, raising his wand and dispelling the silver shield with a wave. Another wave, and Harry felt the broken bone in his forearm mend, the pain fading away. “Umbridge will be attempting to call more Ministry forces to seize this school – something I, ah, object to at this time.”

   “I bet,” Harry said, swallowing hard.

   “Finding her is my first priority, Harry, but it is essential that you get to safety –”

   “I can fight!” Harry snarled. “I beat Kemester, and I’m not going to let that hag take over this school!”

   Dumbledore regarded Harry with a thoughtful gaze for a few seconds before giving Harry a terse nod. “Very well, Harry. We’ve lost Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick is occupied trying to save his students – those poor girls – so your assistance would be welcome. Follow me and –”

   The howl split the air, and Harry felt a chill run down his spine at the sound. It was terrible – as if a wolf had been brutally attacked – and yet Harry knew that it came from a human throat.

   “Kemester,” Harry whispered.

   “He is out of control – Bones made a grave mistake putting him on H.A.I.T.,” Dumbledore agreed. “A man consumed by grief and rage, but one who can still be redeemed.”

   Harry could hardly believe his ears, and his mouth fell open with fury as he rushed towards the stairs, scorched from a dozen spells. “Professor, that man nearly killed me! He bloody beat me in an interrogation room!”

   “Because you represent everything he hates about his life – and himself,” Dumbledore replied, moving next to Harry.

   “I should have killed him when I had the chance,” Harry swore, his hand clenching tightly on his wand. “Would have been a damn kindness for you –”

   “Harry, no!”

   But Harry was already moving, for another yell had the split the air, one that made Harry’s blood run cold. He knew that voice. He pushed himself faster, and he nearly missed the hallway, a floor below where he had dueled Kemester. Pulling himself around the corner, he sprinted towards the source of the noise and barely avoided an orange bolt that set a nearby portrait on fire.


   “Damn it, Ron, run!” Harry shouted, even as Ron leapt back from another curse from Kemester’s wand. His friend was clearly outclassed, and even the spells he had learned when helping Harry were only doing so much. And Ron wasn’t alone – none other than Neville Longbottom was standing behind him, his wand held in a shaking hand.

   “Bringing your filthy friends along for the ride now, Potter?” Kemester roared, turning and firing a hot purple bolt at Harry that he only barely managed to dodge. Ron took that second to fire off a spell of his own, and the edge of Kemester’s pants caught fire. But it wasn’t enough to stop the enraged Hit Wizard, and the fire practically evaporated as Kemester’s wand ripped through the air.


   Harry could only yell helplessly as the spell hit Ron directly in the face. He howled in agony as he clutched at his eyes and stumbled backwards into Neville.

   “I can’t see, Harry, help –”

   “I’m coming, Ron!” Harry shouted, doing the only thing he could think of that might slow down the Hit Wizard – ramming himself into the man and trying to tackle him down.

   But Kemester easily outweighed Harry, and a second later, he felt himself sprawled on the floor, his chest burning and his forearm broken again from a bad landing. Kemester loomed above him, his bloodshot eyes rimmed with hatred and his craggy face twisted with raw hatred.

   “Next time, break both our wands if you want to bring down a Hit Wizard!” Kemester spat, pointing a new wand at Harry. Lightning crackled around the tip, and with a horrifying pang, Harry knew what spell Kemester was going to cast –


   “CLARUS LEVITAS!” Harry screamed, pointing his wand at the man he hated.

   He had remembered when his wand had connected to Voldemort’s in the graveyard, how his wand had bucked and shook under the force of the connection. One thing was certain – this was nothing like that.

   This was worse.

   Purple bolts of electricity erupted from his wand, dueling with the blue-white bolts of Kemester’s spell, stray bolts scorching the walls and floor, his clothes smoldering from the electricity erupting everywhere. No closed circuit here – sheer magical power created a repulsion of dancing and racing charge.

   Harry could barely see through the black marks in his vision by the light, but he could feel Kemester’s strength behind his bolts – hard, brutal, fed with hatred and something more…

   “No…” Harry growled, struggling to his feet as he extended his wand. The charge resisted his every move, and he had to fight for every inch he gained, but he wasn’t going to let this bastard win and kill Ron or Neville. He’s not going to win… that fucking bastard is not going to beat me here!

   He felt the raw hatred and desperation pour through his body, giving him strength. He wasn’t going to fall to this Hit Wizard, he wasn’t going to lose. I’ve beaten Lord Voldemort in a duel of wills before, I can damn well beat Dmitri fucking Kemester!

   “My brother’s… murderer… is not going to beat… me!”

   Harry’s eyes flashed, and he felt his muscles in his arms bulge as he lifted his broken arm. Pain rocked his body, but he didn’t allow himself to stagger. Focusing with all his might against the agony, he wrapped his fingers around the wand, holding it with both hands, fixing his eyes on the flashing bolts.

   “Oh,” he whispered, “yes he is!”

   The bolts broke, and Harry saw Kemester’s eyes widen with shock –


   The thunder sent Harry to his knees, blood streaming down the sides of his face from his ears, but the Hit Wizard was blown off his feet, the purple bolts blasting him down to the end of the corridor, against the stone railing on the landing with an audible crunch. His clothes were glowing with visible burns, and his wand nearly fell from blackened fingers. His head was lolling weakly, bloodshot eyes barely open on a scorched face, his hair smoking faintly…

   “Harry… Merlin, Harry, you have to –”

   “Finish this,” Harry hissed. He was on his feet now, and he was moving, his feet crunching on the stone with every step. His wand was up, and rage was filling his bruised chest. There wasn’t going to be any mercy this time – both of them had gone too far that, Dumbledore’s redemption be damned.

   Kemester’s eyes finally began to focus, and his wand began to tremble upwards in a shaking hand –

   “Flamma lacero!”

   The wave of fire was white hot, and blew Kemester’s wand clean out of his hand – along with most of his hand.

   “Flamma lacero!

   Kemester’s other arm was crushed against the wall, the fire shredding through muscle  towards the bone –


   The spell erupted out of Harry’s wand like a gunshot, roaring through the air like a cannonball, slamming into Kemester like a catapult shot. It lifted him off his feet – and pitched him over the railing.

   It was four stories down to the floor below – and it was a marble floor.

   There was no scream. Only a sickening crunch.

   Harry closed his eyes, a weight in his gut seeming to lift. It was over. He was dead.


   “Harry… Harry, I c-can’t see –”

   He turned to see Ron stagger forward, supported by a sweaty and shaking Neville. Harry noticed the whiteness of Neville’s face – and the surprising firmness in his hands, even despite his shake.

   “It was probably a Conjunctivitus Curse,” Harry said tensely, looking closely at Ron. “I don’t know how to reverse it –”

   “Harry, what did you do to him?” Ron asked, swallowing audibly. “I… I could hear thunder –d-did you kill – ”

   “You should never have tried to fight him alone, Ron?” Harry murmured, turning to Neville. “Get him to the Hospital Wing, and hurry. Madam Pomfrey won’t be there, but it’s probably safer. I need to get to the Entrance Hall.”


   “Because that’s where Umbridge will be, and I’m going to show her the way out.” Harry clenched his jaw as he turned towards the stairs. “Preferably with a lot of fire and lightning.”

   And before Neville could say a word, Harry began to run down the stairs, forcing back the pain in his chest with every breath – and the image of Kemester, toppling from the railing, battered and burned, with every step.

   One thing’s for damned sure, Harry thought to himself as he reached the base of the stairs, I’m not getting rid of this memory. No, I’m going to remember this.

   He looked quickly at where Kemester had fallen – and he froze.

   The body was gone.

   There’s no way he survived that fall, Harry thought furiously, looking around frantically, but there was nobody in sight. Perhaps a member of H.A.I.T. had quickly dragged away the body…

   Another shout broke the air – but this one was not the bestial sound he had heard before. This one was far closer, higher and shriller – almost exultant.

   “Umbridge must have gotten her reinforcements,” Harry muttered to himself, turning towards the hall, raising his wand and gritting his teeth as he strode down the hall towards the Entrance Hall –

   Only to stop dead in his tracks at the top of the marble staircase, his eyes widening in sudden shock.

   The Entrance Hall, brightly lit as always, was filled with people. A dozen stretchers lay by the doors, and nearly a score of Hit Wizards and Aurors were rushing into the room, spreading out and taking up positions around the hall, all with wands drawn and black cloaks thrown over their robes. And in the center of the room was Umbridge, yelling and pointing – at him.

   “It’s Potter!” the woman screamed, pointing her stubby wand at Harry with a wild look in her eyes. “Take him now!”

   “Bad idea, you hag!”

   Harry’s eyes snapped up to the two marble balconies encircling the hall, where two heavy wooden crates were precariously placed on the ancient railings – and where Fred and George were standing, two identical looks of triumph on their faces.

   “Hope you like fireworks!” Fred shouted, and at that, the two boxes fell off of the railings, striking the floor with two shattering bangs. Harry flung his arm over his eyes and dove for cover, already knowing what was coming –


   The stench of gunpowder filled the hall, and Harry cautiously opened his eyes to see a pitched battle already beginning: Umbridge’s reinforcements against tens – no, hundreds – of explosive, flaming fireworks. Green and gold dragons made of fire, pink and silver Catherine wheels whistling sinisterly through the air, sparklers writing swear words and detonating at random, howling manticores made of what appeared to be blue fire, and a gigantic, tentacle-covered thing made of what looked like purple flames!

   “Like this?” George shouted, running over to where Harry was getting to his feet. “‘Weasley’s Wildfire Whizbangs!’ Our entire stock!”

   “That’ll hold them!” Fred yelled, shooting back a runaway draconic firework with a jet of sparks. “There ain’t much that can stop that bunch – it’s an entire bloody army!”

   “Can you stop them?” Harry shouted over the din and dodging a blast of fire from one of the manticores that had bounded up the stairs. George sent the creature tumbling back down the stairs with a quick blast of his wand.

   “Harry, would we create something we couldn’t stop?” Fred shouted with a wild smirk.

   “Probably!” Harry yelled, raising his wand to defend himself.

   “Don’t worry!” Fred called out over the din. “There’s a keyword that’ll take all of them out –”

   A white flash split the room, and a second later, the Entrance Hall fell abruptly silent. Hit Wizards alike looked around the room, their eyes wide at the sudden silence – and absence of fireworks.

   The twins exchanged horrified glances before turning back to the massive battlefield. A single figure – who had just entered the hall through the front doors – was lowering his wand. Harry squinted to see the man’s features – he did seem familiar – but a hood was thrown over the man’s face, and the smoke was making it hard to see details –

   “What are you waiting for?” Umbridge screamed. “Arrest them!”

   “I don’t think that’ll be happening today, Dolores.”

   The dust and smoke filling the hall only made his entrance more impressive. Stepping out of the corridor opposite Harry’s, a terrible expression on his face, his wand drawn and gleaming with white light, Dumbledore’s eyes were ablaze with fury as he approached the top of the once-magnificent marble staircase – now blackened with soot and stray spells.

   “They have broken the law, Dumbledore, and they must pay!” Umbridge shrieked as she began climbing the stairs towards him, her wand quivering in her stubby hands. “And if you wish to share their sentence –”

   “I will do no such thing,” Dumbledore replied, his eyes abruptly icy, his gaze freezing Umbridge halfway up the stairs, “and it is not me who has broken the law, Miss Umbridge, it’s you.”

   “I was doing what was necessary to bring a despicable criminal to justice!”

   “You abused my trust, my patience, and the privileges given to teachers at this school,” Dumbledore said, his voice echoing in the hall as he raised his own wand, the light a brilliant beacon in the smoke. “And I will tolerate your despicable and cowardly conduct no longer.”

   “Arrest him!” Umbridge screamed, pointing not at Harry this time, but at Dumbledore. Several of the Aurors and Hit Wizards exchanged shocked glances, but Umbridge didn’t seem to care. “Arrest him or your jobs are forfeit!”

   Turning back towards Dumbledore, Umbridge stabbed her wand upwards. “Incar –”

   The fragment of the spell and a single step were all she got off.  Dumbledore raised his own wand and with a single wordless swish and flick, yanked Umbridge off her feet. Another flick sent her flying straight into the heavy doors, which creaked with the weight of the impact.

   “To all members of H.A.I.T. and any members of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,” Dumbledore began, his voice ringing in the near-silent hall, “I give you this message to take back to your superiors – Lord Voldemort has returned, he is on the move, and I will not tolerate any more attempts to subvert my authority at Hogwarts. Any of you who wish to stay and fight the greatest threat that our world has seen in years, you may stay. Any of you who are still undecided, please make your decisions while you still have the freedom to make them. The rest of you…” Dumbledore’s eyes narrowed as they focused on Umbridge. “Leave Hogwarts - now.”

   Several seconds passed in total silence.

   Then with a suddenness that nearly made Harry jump, pandemonium erupted in the hall. Nearly everyone in the hall fled for the massive oaken doors, many grabbing stretchers on their way out, and in just over twenty seconds, the hall was abandoned, but for the single figure standing in the hall. He had not moved a muscle all throughout Dumbledore’s speech, and he still had not removed his hood.

   Dumbledore looked across the hall at the massive doors and the night beyond them before closing them with a wave of his wand. Finally, he turned to meet Harry’s eyes.

   “I’m sorry it came to this, Harry.”

   “I’m not,” Harry replied defiantly. “We won, didn’t we? We got Umbridge out of the school, and H.A.I.T. with it.”

   “The only thing we need is a Defense teacher,” Fred said brightly, “and I’m sure you’ve got somebody in mind.”

  A small smile crept across Dumbledore’s face as he turned towards the cloaked figure limping up the stairs. In a flash, Harry recognized the man. No wonder he knows the word to deactivate the fireworks… he’s an incredible wizard as it is…

   “So, Alastor, are you up to returning to your old job?”

   “The job I spent in my trunk without a paycheck?” Mad-Eye Moody growled, pulling his hood back to reveal a grimly triumphant expression on his scarred face. “Might as well – you need someone to train these lads into something decent. Though, from what I saw of the people they hauled out, it’s not these ones that need the training.”

   “They’ll need all the training they can get, Alastor,” Dumbledore said quietly. “And not just for this new conflict – Voldemort is on the move, and his opening move was made tonight.”

   Harry’s breath caught in his throat. “You know it wasn’t me, Professor –”

   “I do, Harry,” Dumbledore replied seriously. “Fred, George, please head back to Gryffindor Tower – I must speak with Harry and Professor Moody for a few minutes.”

   “Then what was it?” Harry asked the second the twins were gone, swallowing hard despite himself.

   “Something I have never seen before in my long life,” Dumbledore said grimly. “And that is what worries me.”

   “Dark magic, Albus?” Moody asked sharply. “Death Eaters in Hogwarts? Something worse?”

   “The last, and unlike anything I’ve ever seen before,” Dumbledore replied, “and I will need all of your investigative skills to find answers and solve this case.”

   Dumbledore looked at Harry. “Although we won’t be working alone this time.”

   Harry’s eyes went wide. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing – what Dumbledore was implying.

   “You… you mean –”

   “Yes, Harry,” Dumbledore said gravely. “There is little point in delaying any further, and our time is limited. Your training, and this investigation, begins now – and this time, you will not be alone.”