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“Is this really what has become of our world?” asked Ralph.

“Dad, what can we do to stop it?” asked James. He, his dad, and his two best friends, Ralph and Harold stood at the top of a great hill, looking over the mayhem at Hogwarts.

“Son, one thing can stop it” said Harry.

“What is it?” asked James.

Only if young James knew about Merlin’s Relicts. He has one in his position. Just find the remaining two and head to the Hall of Merlin’s Crossing. Call upon the Elders and he may have a chance to stop it.

“Do you wan’na know?” asked Harry.

“Yes father” said James.

“You will find out over time. Sneak into Hogwarts with the Invisibility Cloak” said Harry. James and his friends squished into the Cloak. With a last look at his dad, they staggered along. They made their way into the Gryffindor common room were all the other first years were unpacking.

“Oi! It’s James Potter!” yelled a short blonde haired boy.

“Back up! Let me have space!” he said.

“Dark times are ahead for you young Potter” said a shrill voice behind him. The divination teacher, Professor Dawn stood behind him with her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Merlin has awakened. The world is now crumbling under his rage. You must stop him!” she now chocked and her eyes returned to normal.

Only if he had believed the call. For, Merlin was truly awake and he was searching for something…his wand. His twelve inch unicorn hair wand…which was in possession of James. A germen boy was in possession of Merlin’s Cloak while Merlin’s Staff was hid somewhere no one could say…

“What?” asked James.

“My dear boy! Your eyes are red!” she said touching his eye.

“Stop that!” he said knocking her arm away.

“Y-y-yo-you must leave the school right now! You have a duty to find Merlin’s Relicts!” she said.

“What?” asked James.

“Merlin’s Relicts! You must find them and call upon the Elders and they will help you defeat Merlin!” she screeched.

“So, I have to leave to be a hero when my dad is already one?” asked James.

“There is a difference between being a hero and being the son of a hero.

“By my eyes, there isn’t really. Just everyone in the school knows my name...” said James leaning back in the arm chair by the fire.

“You have much to learn! I here by expel you and your little friends. Well, until you find Merlin’s Relicts and defeat Merlin” said Professor Dawn dragging him and his friends out of the school. She throws them into the lush, velvet like grass and he rubs his head.

“Why does she have to throw us so hard!” said Ralph.

“She’s almost like my mother!” said Harold. James could se the look on Ginny’s face when she finds he had been expelled. A weird vision comes in his head.

“There are three” said a voice. “The Cloak” “The Staff” “and the Wand.” “It is you. Go do your duties with Merlin and come back in one piece” The images and voices zoom through his head.

“JAMES!” yelled Ralph. He was laying in the grass staring at the sky. They were mounted on Cleansweeps 101. “Jacked ‘em from the broom closet” Ralph points to his. James shakes his head and mounts. When he kicks off, he knew they were in for a real adventure.