Title: Find Your Fate | Draco Malfoy and Sophia Avery have known each other, since their first year at Hogwarts and when they fell in love, during thier fifth year, they kept it a secret. Until now. Now, it's been discovered and Draco is doing everything he can to keep himself and his love, Sophia, sane through the torture the Death Eaters put them through. Learn the story of Draco Malfoy's secret love through his memories of her and the pain they endure together. | SLASH |
Author:SetTheFire | + / - | ASSSTV | |
Rating: PG-13 | Category:Drama/Independent | Reviews:0| Published: May 03, 2011 | Updated: May 03, 2011 | |
Tags: Draco, Sophia, Love, Drama |
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