Title: Harry Potter and The Spirit Flare | Harry has a massive outburst of Spiritual Energy this gains the attention of certain members of the Japanese Community. This will basically be a (hopefully) massive partial multiple Anime Cross meaning with abilities and characters I like from my favourite animes so far I predict it will be HP/Bleach (Rukia) /Blue Exorcist (Rin's Father)/Card Captors (Sakura duh.) more will probably be added though. | |
Author:HarryMuto | + / - | ASSSTV | |
Rating: NC-17 | Category:General/Crossover | Reviews:0| Published: August 08, 2012 | Updated: August 08, 2012 | |
Tags: Bleach, Card Captors, CSS, Blue, Exorcist, Blue Exorcist, Rukia, Super, Harry, Anime |
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