Chapter two
Harry sat in stunned silence. About half an hour ago, Mrs. Figg’s fireplace had flared green and a tiny little man had fallen out. This didn’t fit with Harry’s grasp of reality at all. Santa Claus was at least 6ft tall and did not visit during the summer.
Harry entertained the idea that he was delivering a backlog of presents, but quickly pushed that aside as he fell back on something he knew for fact. Santa does not exist. Uncle Vernon had sat him down at a young age and calmly explained to him that he was a bad person, and therefore could expect a lump of coal for Christmas. He had glumly nodded and went back to his cupboard with a warning not to ruin “Dudders” Christmas. Later that week he had overheard a discussion between his Aunt and Uncle who were arguing about where to find an RC car for Dudley.
He now knew that the little mans name was Professor Flitwick and he apparently worked at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Harry tried to come up with an explanation but came up short. According to Professor Flitwick, his parents were magical and he was a wizard. It explained a lot really, all the “accidental magic” as Flitwick called it was a normal occurrence for young wizards and witches.
It also explained why Uncle Vernon would occasionally mumble ‘freakishness’ under his breath.
The last of his doubt had been removed when Flitwick had taken out his ‘wand’ and lifted the couch with Harry still on it. He wasn’t likely to forget that.
He also knew that the Dursleys had been lying to him for years. His mother and Father hadn’t died in a car crash, they had been murdered. Flitwick looked very uncomfortable telling him about it, apparently they had been killed by a ‘Dark Lord‘, who had then tried to kill Harry, but somehow, Harry had survived while ‘you-know-who’ vanished.
Flitwick had finished his explanation and was sitting quietly as Harry tried to absorb all this new information. He felt numb. His parents had been murdered and he was denied the life he should have had. It was too much to comprehend.
Harry raised his head and looked at the tiny wizard, “What now?”
“Now, Harry, I will take you to get your supplies for the year. Assuming you want to go of course?” the old professor replied gently.
Harry paused, did he really want to go? A whole new world was a scary thought, especially one where he was already well known. Stay with the Dursleys, or go with the wizard.
He finally came to his decision. Rising he faced his future teacher and said, “I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry about that Harry, your parents were quite famous in their own right. You have plenty in your vault.” The small professor reached into his robes and extracted a small key. He handed it to Harry, and with a smile walked over to the fireplace, took some green powder from a bowl on the mantelpiece and scattered it into the hearth.
The fireplace instantly roared to life. Flitwick beckoned Harry closer.
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. Just step in and say your destination clearly, watch and follow me through,” Flitwick stepped into the hearth and said, “Diagon Alley”.
The fire swallowed him and Harry was left alone with Mrs. Figg, he turned and thanked her for her help before following the professor.
“Diagon Alley.”
The flames enveloped him and suddenly he was spinning out of control. Other fireplaces rushed past him with a blinding green glare. He lurched to the side suddenly and started to slow, before the funnelling sensation abruptly ended and he stumbled out of a fireplace into the small form of Flitwick.
Harry straightened and looked around him. He appeared to be in some sort of dingy bar, most of the clientele were dressed even stranger than Professor Flitwick and some appeared to be less than human.
Harry was suddenly wary, why had a school professor taken him to a pub?
The barman waved to Flitwick, before his eyes rested on Harry and widened in shock.
“Great Merlin,” said the barman, peering at Harry, “is this…can this be?”
All around him people started to take notice and the room grew silent.
“It’s Harry-” the barman started to exclaim, but Flitwick interrupted him.
“Yes Tom, It’s Harry Aldridge, remember the squib you said you had a job for?” the small wizard said with a meaningful look.
Tom caught the look, and hastily replied, “Ah yes, young Aldridge, why don’t you and Filius go out the back way and I’ll send out an elf with your new gear.”
Now Harry was very worried, he didn’t come with the professor to work in a pub. He looked at Flitwick, only to receive a discreet shake of his head in reply. Harry realised that it would have been very stupid to go spouting off his name in a packed pub. If professor Flitwick’s tales were true then that could mean trouble.
Flitwick led him out the back to a small porch like area. Tom hurriedly walked out behind them and apologised.
“Sorry bout tha’, didn’t mean ta nearly out ya’” he said sheepishly, “Ya’ missed that Quirrell fella’ though, Filius. He was ‘ere this morning’.”
Flitwick let out a sigh, “That man is shaky enough without fire whiskey, thanks Tom”.
Tom nodded and went back inside.
The professor took out his wand and opened the portal to Diagon Alley. Brick shifted to form an ornate archway, that wasn’t what interested Harry though, what he was interested in, was the massive deformed street that the archway acted as a gateway to.
“Sorry about that Harry, but I thought it would be best if you weren't mobbed upon your introduction to the wizarding world.” said Flitwick, corners of his lips twitching.
Harry nodded dumbly and walked forwards into the street. Buildings were shaped awkwardly, some wide single-story buildings, some narrow angular multi-story buildings and he even spotted the entrance to an underground building. He briefly wondered where they got their light, when he realised he was standing outside a store that sold Cauldrons.
It was magic.
“First thing’s first Harry,” the small wizard said, “we have to go to the bank to get you some gold.”
“Err, right” Harry replied before following him through the throngs of shoppers.
Almost an hour later, Harry emerged from Gringotts stunned. He had just been taken to his personal vault via roller coaster by a Goblin. He had actually met a Goblin! Grabhock wasn’t very polite though. Apparently, Grabby didn’t like the idea of a young wizard asking him about the security measures. Harry was just curious.
Apparently he had a huge amount of gold in his little vault, he had taken a little more than the professor had suggested, just for emergencies of course.
“The most important thing a wizard has is his wand, Harry,” the smaller wizard said, “I think that you’ve waited long enough don’t you?”
“Too long,” he replied with a grin. Without another word the pair headed for Ollivander’s.
Almost an hour later, Harry had his wand. It took what seemed like a hundred tries but he finally found his match. Holly and Phoenix feather. A brother of one other wand. It made him shiver to think about that connection, it was one that he would rather have gone without.
He thanked Ollivander and followed Flitwick outside into the sunshine. The glare hit his eyes and he walked into the small form of his professor who had stopped in his tracks.
He followed the professors line of sight and found himself staring at a large crowd of people outside of Gringotts. The massive doors were shut tight and an equally massive man stood at the forefront of the crowd demanding to be let in.
“Hagrid,” Flitwick gasped, before motioning for Harry to follow him and heading for the bank.
Curious to just what exactly a “Hagrid” was, Harry followed him.
“Hagrid, calm down. What’s happening?” Flitwick asked.
“A break-in Filius, a bloomin’ break-in, in Gringotts!” Hagrid said, “I was supposed to pick it up today Filius,” the huge man lowered down, and whispered something to Flitwick, who paled dramatically.
“We have inform Albus, come Hagrid, we’ll floo to The broomsticks.” the little man paused and turned to Harry, a look of consternation on his face.
Just then, a tall man dressed in robes approached, “Ah, Filius, you aren’t having trouble are you?”
Flitwick looked to the man and relaxed, “Kaj, it’s good to see you, I’m in a bit of a fix. Is Purnima with you?”
“Yes, we are here for the girls supplies. They are starting this year. Is there anything I can help with?” Kaj replied.
“Yes, I have to go to Hogwarts to inform Albus, but I can’t leave young Harry. Would you mind staying with him while I go to Hogsmeade?”
The Indian man looked at Harry and grinned, “How could I pass up the opportunity Filius?” he replied jokingly, “ you go on ahead, I’ll meet you at the Cauldron when you return.”
Flitwick smiled and turned to Harry, “He’s a good man Harry, I’ll be back shortly.” with that, he and Hagrid rushed down the street to the Cauldron.
Harry turned to look at the man, he was tall and held himself with an
almost royal sense of dignity.
“I’m Kaj Patil, nice to meet you,” the man offered.
“Harry Potter, likewise. You seem to know Professor Flitwick very well.”
Harry said. No matter how he tried he couldn’t read the man.
Mr. Patil smiled, “Once upon a time I was Filius’ apprentice. Now, Purnima and the girls are at Madam Malkins. How about we go there and get you some robes?”
“Sounds good. Sir? Professor Flitwick said it was impossible to rob Gringotts?”
Mr. Patil’s face darkened for a moment, “It is supposed to be an impossible task, but that theory has been proven wrong today. Much more than gold is hidden in those vaults Harry.”
Wondering what else, could anyone want to brave dragons for, Harry followed Mr. Patil down the street.
Madam Malkins was a rather large shop, full of frills and lace. Harry felt more than a little uncomfortable. Mr. Patil led him to the back of the shop where a large woman was bustling about gathering material.
“There you are Kaj, what’s happening outside?”, a small woman came out of nowhere and spotted him, “And who is this young man?,” she asked.
Mr. Patil smiled, “Harry this is my wife Purnima. Purnima this is Harry Potter.”
Mrs. Patil stopped in her tracks and looked dumbly at him, before throwing a mildly humoured look at her husband.
“You disappear for two minutes, and you come back with Harry Potter?” she threw a smile at Harry which he returned. “Now Kaj, what is going on outside, and why are you with a national hero?”
Harry winced at the ‘national hero’ part, but kept his composure.
“Purnima,” Mr. Patil said quietly, “There is trouble at Gringotts, there has been a robbery. Harry here, was with Filius, who had to inform Dumbledore. I agreed to look after him until he returned.”
“A robbery? In Gringotts?” Mrs Patil said, shocked.
“Yes, now how about we introduce Harry to the girls and get him fitted for his robes. Padma, Parvati.” he called.
Two identical girls came around the corner and smiled at their father. They were dressed in identical robes that made Harry feel very underdressed in his baggy jeans and t-shirt.
“Girls, this is Harry. Harry the one on the right is Padma and the one on the left is Parvati.” Mr Patil said.
“Hi Harry,” said Parvati with a cheerful smile.
“Hello,” said Padma with an equally bright expression.
Harry started to reply but was cut off when a strong arm tugged him over to the wall.
“Hold on dear, I’ll just get you sorted now.”
Harry heard the girls laugh as Madam Malkin pulled a robe over his head. After a few minutes of the ‘pincushion game where Harry was poked and prodded, his robes were finally ready. He walked over to the counter and paid before walking over to the waiting Patils who already had their robes. He checked his booklist and headed to Flourish and Blott’s.
Almost an hour later, all his supplies safely in his new trunk, Harry stood inside Eeylops Owl emporium waiting for the girls to get their Owl.
While he was waiting, Harry looked around for an Owl of his own. Apparently they were the main method of communication in the wizarding world, and it would be nice to have some company at the Dursleys.
In a cage above the counter, Harry spotted one. A large dark grey Owl with a black beak.
Fifteen minutes later the group came out with two large cages. Harry had bought his Owl, he now knew that it was a greater sooty Owl. It was rare, all the way from Indonesia in fact, but it was worth the price. Joe the Owl hooted happily at him from his cage and Harry smiled.
Padma and Parvati had bought a large Snowy Owl called Athena. They were grinning happily at it while it dozed.
“Harry!,” He heard the shout and turned to see Professor Flitwick hurrying down the street to meet him. “Sorry about that, I had to tell Dumbledore. Did you get all your supplies?” the little professor asked cheerfully.
“Yes, Mr. And Mrs. Patil were very kind.” Harry replied.
Flitwick shot them a thankful grin, and just like that Harry was saying his goodbyes with promises to meet on the train.
“Did you have a good time today Harry?” Flitwick asked kindly as they stepped out of the floo and into Mrs. Figg’s house.
“It was one of the best days of my life sir,” Harry replied honestly. Despite all that happened, Harry still couldn’t quite believe it was real.
Flitwick smiled, “I hope to see you in Ravenclaw Harry,” he said before taking a step back, wishing him luck and disappearing with a sharp crack.
Harry stepped outside and looked across the road. Sighing, he made his way back to the Dursley’s, eagerly awaiting the first of September.