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Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 15 from jimmycranberry on May 31, 2010
Great story, with a well-worked and interesting mystery developing. Looking forward to your next update.
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 2 from jimmycranberry on May 30, 2010
Great story so far, looking forward to seeing it develop! Also, I love the reference to stories about Pompeii - you wouldn't happen to have studied Latin at a British school would you? :P
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 15 from Sesc on May 31, 2009
And there it is. The OMIGODKISS. I'm really not able to say much. I'm only happy :) Only perhaps, I had the strangest feeling about the smell at the end, like whether it was something dangerous, and in what way the spell factors in there, but I guess I'm being paranoid. I mean, there *was* the time when I'd just read a story that portkeys Harry away with one of his quills, which had been stolen from his bag earlier (quite clever, actually; he then found it lying on the floor, picked it up, of course, and whoosh -- gone) -- and for a time after that, whenever Harry missed something of his, I began suspecting he would be abducted, lol. Well, I'll see what happens. Liked it, as always :) - SS
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 15 from whatareyouevensaying on May 30, 2009
Maybe Harry isn't the only one who senses some foul play in Trelawney's death? It'd sure be interesting to see Colin in a more serious, less worshipful role. I've only ever seen that in fics where they're all adults. Looking forward to more.
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 15 from Aaran St Vines on May 28, 2009
It's about time with the kiss, and well done too.
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 13 from Zereebro on May 23, 2009
Oh, and my conclusion is similar to Aaran's, about the vampire. “Something bad is in the castle, Harry Potter, sir. Old and lifeless." Thats what did it for me, and a vampire wouldn't show up on the map, since the Marauders couldn't find out how to get the map to show dead things/people. A lot of stories also mention that vampires can turn invisible at will, which would explain the bodiless voices in the Slytherin common room. It cant be a ghost, since there were heard footsteps, so, we have a sentient being, coporeal but invisible, and it doesn't show up on the map. Although it COULD be something else, not tied to Dobby's warning. Not really knowing how the map works, so i can't say, but i have a feeling that it has something to do with scrying, and the idea originally being Padfoots idea, and as it was said, it is possible to ward oneself from scrying. But still, my bet is on a vampire. Great Story, keep working! -Zee
Author reply
My lips are, of course, sealed. Unless you really, desperately want to know. There's actually a word in one chapter - can't remember offhand which one it is - that gives the whole game away but no one seems to spot that despite the fact that I spent a couple of days debating over whether to bring it up or not. As to the Marauder's Map, I never gave its workings too much thought except to wonder how they would map something that was Unplottable. But I'm really glad you're enjoying the story. The next chapter should be uploaded tonight after I do a small bit of editing. After that, though, it'll be at least three weeks till the next update since I unfortunately have exams and should be currently revising *sigh*. It terrifies me whenever I enter one of my housemate's bedroom and see huge posters outlining all sorts of metabolic pathways I'm supposed to know yet currenly don't. I think I must live with an almost Hermione-like girl who freely admits that it's either an A or a fail *shakes head in bewilderment*. But enough of my ramblings. Thanks once again for the reviews. Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend and inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 14 from Zereebro on May 23, 2009
keep up the good work, it's really good 5/5
Author reply
Thanks. It's always good to hear that someone likes the story. Which painting in the National Gallery would I save if there was a fire? The one nearest the door of course. - George Bernard Shaw
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 14 from Aaran St Vines on April 29, 2009
I think I have it figured out. The person that doesn't show up on the Marauder's Map can't because they are dead - or rather the undead >> a vampire. There's no canon definition about whether a wizard or witch can still do all of the different types of magic once they've been bitten by a vampire. This is true for magical folks bitten by werewolves. Yes, I know, werewolves are not the undead. It still can be so. Cheers!
Author reply
Well, what am I supposed to say to that, hmm? My lips are of course sealed, but I hope I can surprise still. Thank you for leaving so many reviews and sorry again for the late replys. Rather rubbish of me, really. But I hope you keep enjoying the story. When we talk to God, we’re praying. When God talks to us we’re schizophrenic. – Lily Tomlin
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 13 from Aaran St Vines on April 29, 2009
That Trelawney would commit suicide does not on the surface seem improbable. But then again it really doesn't make sense at all. I suspect Harry will go through similar thought processes. Good work.
Author reply
Trelawney's death... hmm, what to say about that...? I can tell you that it was a pain to write that bit, especially since originally Harry was on the grounds and heard when it happened, then was moved up to the tower in time to hear a mighty SPLAT, but that just made me laugh whenever I re-read it so it was quickly changed again. But of course it's suspicious. Most things at Hogwarts seem to be, after all :D Thanks for the review. The report of my death was an exaggeration. – Mark Twain
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 11 from Aaran St Vines on April 28, 2009
I like the way you advance our understanding of magic, e.g. localization of spells in this chapter, and the grounding idea in a language for runes. Is this from your imagination or from other fantasy fiction, or a combination? HP is the only magic-oriented fiction I read.
Author reply
This is all from my imagination. I don't really read much fantasy, especially nowadays when I don't have much time to read full-stop. I'm actually more of a sci-fi fan when it comes down to it. But I'm glad you like the explanation behind the magic. I always felt canon skimmed over most of the theory behind magic so I wanted to go a bit more in-depth while hopefully not boring people with a huge monologue. After all, it's not like the reader will have to learn and sit and exam on it. As to localization of spells, I figured there should be some logical system to it that wouldn't seem out of place in the world of canon magic and hence dug out my Latin dictionary. Anyway, hope that answered your question and thanks for the review. Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you. – Patrick Murray
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 10 from Aaran St Vines on April 28, 2009
Interesting. Not having to stay and help Harry with the Tournament, Sirius could chase after Peter. Fascinating that the Wizarding Italy never had its unifying Garibaldi. As an aside, in 1920 my grandparents migrated to the US from their home in L'Aquila, Italy. Bugger the demise of Peter.
Author reply
I'm sooo sorry that it has taken me this ridiculous length of time to reply to. Real life and all that jazz, I'm afraid. Or maybe I should just blame my housemates for being too talkative and my course for such subjects as endodontics :) Anyway, thank you for the review. It is much appreciated. Moving on, I always found it slightly ridiculous in canon that Sirius has all this determination to kill Peter (escaping Azkaban and hiding out for a year in a Dementor infested area) only to suddenly give up the task once Peter disappears despite the fact that the Dementor presence has vanished. To me, it just wasn't very logical. I suppose you could argue that Sirius was trying to help out Harry with the TWT but he really doesn't make that much of a presence in book 4. As to the deciding factor of using L'Aquila, I needed a town near to some mountains and then saw mention of a Roman settlement. Something clicked. As to the division of Italy I was watching (or maybe reading, can't quite remember) something about the Renaissance and the warring city states and inspiration struck. I also figured that by the nineteeth century the magical world of Italy would be almost entirely cut off from the Muggle section so it would be less likely that they would follow the Muggle history. As to Peter, I swear in most things he gets away from near-death circumstances so I figured that he would just have to die early on. Thanks once again for the review and sorry once again for the lateness of this reply. In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed – they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce...? The cuckoo clock. – Orson Welles
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 9 from Aaran St Vines on April 28, 2009
Excellent relationship building for 14 year olds when one is a clueless guy. Oh, that's right, all guys are clueless at 14.
Author reply
Thanks. I have to admit that writing Harry/Padma scenes are usually one of the easiest bits. So it's really nice to hear that their relationship reads well. I just want it to be realisitic, mostly. If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it? - Steven Wright
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 8 from Aaran St Vines on April 28, 2009
This was an excellent manner of bringing Harry together with Padma in a way he'd not have to think about what to do to kickstart their relationship. Just great how you initiated this. Now they can hang out together and let teenage nature take its course. I like your Padma. Canon gives us virtually nothing about her, and that is the challenge and advantage to writing about her to any degree. Well done!
Author reply
Thank you. To be honest, having Harry actively think about initiating a relationship scares me slightly since I have very little comprehension as to what goes through a 14 year old boy's head. There was also no way that I was going down the monster in chest syndrome since that always made me cringe a bit and reminded me more of the alien erupting from John Hurt in Alien than true love (one day, I'm deternined to write a cross-over!). I also didn't want overnight love so instead you get the slow build-up which is hopefully more realistic. It's always good to hear that people like Padma. I didn't want her to turn into a Mary-Sue or, worse, a prettier version of Hermione. I also didn't want to stereotype her as the hardworking Ravenclaw. I'm actually really pleased with how she turned out so it's great that you like her. Thanks once again. Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. - Anonymous
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 7 from Aaran St Vines on April 28, 2009
I think Harry's inability to see Ginny's interest in him is spot on. At 14 and with his level of stunted social training thanks to the Dursleys, Harry would be in an industrial strength league of clueless. However, I can't see him not saying to Hermione that she was pretty when she showed up for the ball. I especially cannot imagine he'd not agree with Ron when the redhead told Hermione how nice she looked. Oh well, I'm enjoying this tale quite a bit.
Author reply
Thinking about it, I have to agree with you on the Hermione point. It'll have to remain that way, however, since getting up the motivation to go through and edit bits and pieces is not going to happen any time soon since Chapter 15 is currently in the works and uni life has started up again and I seriously need to go over local anaesthetics. But enough about that. It's great to hear that you're enjoying the story. That you left a review is even more brilliant. Better even than that, is the fact that replying to this means I can put off tidying my room for a bit longer and still feel like I'm doing something productive. So many thanks. Why don’t they make the whole plane out of that black box stuff? – Steven Wright
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 6 from Aaran St Vines on April 27, 2009
So my question is answered - no Harry giving up Divination and joining the Runes class even though he could sit with Padma. Cheers!
Author reply
Yes, but I urge patience for the things that will later come to pass :) To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition. - Woody Allen
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 5 from Aaran St Vines on April 27, 2009
A better Keeper tryout that the canon sixth year. Ron showed his weakness - now we'll see if he has the ability to deal with it. Cormac is so easy to hate, and you displayed that in a very few words. The first Defense lesson was rather interesting. You Harry a grand reason to take Runes even more seriously, and a reason to dump Divination. You've written this far enough for the matter to be settled, but I'm interested in seeing how you make this go one way or the other. Well designed transition chapter.
Author reply
Thanks. This chapter really is an unrepentant filler chapter so thanks for calling it well designed. Personally, I don't really like writing about Quidditch since it's a bit boring. It's one of those things that are better seen than read about. However, Quidditch trials are one of those things that, while unneccessary to the plot, can't be overly skipped over. As to Divination, while it would be lovely for Harry to just drop the subject, it's not really the done thing. Hermione dropped it, but then she was doing a lot more subjects than Harry and I can't really see McGonagall allowing Harry to drop the subject on the understanding that he would study Ancient Runes by himself. But a later chapter does eventually cover the end of Harry's Divination lessons. Thanks for taking the time to review. I sound like a broken record, I know, but I really do appreciate hearing what people think of the story. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. – Albert Einstein
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 3 from Aaran St Vines on April 26, 2009
Any time you an stick it to Fudge I'll applaud.
Author reply
I love Chapter 3. It was the easiest thing to write since it all just flowed together. Or maybe I like it so much since it had the least words to write... Anyway, glad you like how things go badly for Fudge. I really liked writing how Germany and France overwhelmed him and he was left rather dazed from the whole thing. Inspiration has to go to an old political comedy called Yes, Minister. One of the best written prgrammes I've ever seen. Thanks for leaving another review. It's much appreciated. Sir Humphrey: Politicians like to panic, they need activity. It is their substitute for achievement. - Yes, Minister
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 2 from Aaran St Vines on April 26, 2009
Interesting set up and AU plot twists.
Author reply
Thanks. That chapter was a bit of a pain to write since I had to go through the HP lexicon for each spell to figure out when they're taught and therefore which character could use it. With the AU twist, I needed the Death Eaters to cause an incident but it can be pretty boring reading a re-hash of canon events so I twisted it a bit. I don't think it came out too badly (I hope). I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability. - Oscar Wilde
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 1 from Aaran St Vines on April 26, 2009
There are few fics that go into Runes or Arithmancy in any interesting way. This seems to do so. Very good so far. Cheers!
Author reply
Thanks. I know the first chapter is probably the worst so well done for slogging through it. One of my main irritations with the Harry Potter series was Harry's ... I can't say stupidity but I suppose non-intelligence fits. His third year subject choices show that and I always thought Ancient Runes would be more interesting. I suppose that's part to do with the fact that it's a translation based subject which reminds me of Latin. In fact, the course book Harry is given a few chapters later is based on the Cambridge Latin Course. But you can't have Harry pick something up that's useless to his development so I figured a background theory about the application of Ancient Runes was needed. I'm glad, therefore, that you found it interesting. Anyway, thanks for the review (you'll likely see that a lot as I go through responding to each review you left). I really appreciate it. I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying. - Woody Allen
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 14 from red_jacobson on April 10, 2009
very interesting story. I started reading this a while ago, but stopped for some reason, I don't remember why. Anyway, I just finished re-reading what you've posted so far, and I'm liking it. It's nice to see a 4th year story not tied up with the Tri-Wizard and the Cho situation. I'm finding myself really liking Padma as a character, and can't wait to see what happens next between the two of them. I also like the fact that, although there are hints, it's obvious that there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes that Harry isn't aware of. I'm still curious if Luna's disappearance on the train had anything to do with the death of the driver, and I'm really interested in what the Defense teacher's story is. At least he hasn't actually tried to kill Harry so far, which makes him very different from the other teacher's Harry's had! *GRIN* Looking forward to more red
Author reply
Well I'm glad you started reading it again - and that you're liking it so far :) It's great to hear that you like Padma. I'm getting more and more fond of her as I write her, probably since scenes with her and Harry in are usually easy to write. To be honest, I'm just glad she didn't end up as a Mary-Sue, which would have been horrible. There is quite a bit that Harry's not aware of just yet. He'll soon figure out some of it, though. It can be a bit of a pain remembering everyone's roles and sometimes I suddenly think "Oh bugger, I haven't mentioned such-and-such for the last six chapters!" I think that's why the beginning's so much easier to write than the end. A lot of stuff will come to light in the next two chapters and then it'll just be a built up to the end. I can't really say much about Abravan or Luna without giving something away. I suppose I'll just have to say wait and see. Anyway, thank you for the review - it's much appreciated - and I've started writing the next chapter and know how it starts and how it ends so it's just a case of filling in the gaps. Hopefully it won't take too long *crosses finger*. Did you ever notice they never take any fat hostages? You never see a guy coming out of Lebanon going: I was held hostage for seven months and I lost 175 pounds, I feel good and I look good and I learned self-discipline. That's the important thing. - Denis Leary
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 6 from darklordmike on April 10, 2009
This was a truly excellent chapter; you've done a masterful job of capturing the proper personalities for the canon characters, particularly Luna and Hermione. The "purple merple" could easily have made an appearance in canon. I'd say this story captures the atmosphere of a canon Harry Potter story better than any other fanfiction I've encountered. Well done.
Author reply
I'm glad you liked it. Luna's great fun to write and I always try to make sure I don't go over the top with her. It's always nice to hear that I'm doing an OK job of capturing the canon personalities since it can be a bit tricky at times and I always try and make them stay true to the books since I personally find it a bit irritating when characters do a 180 in fanfiction. As to the 'purple merple', I'll have to disclaim that. My brother had a friend who came up with the idea, including all about the white cliffs of Dover and the inbreeding making them lose their colour. I remember he even dyed his hair purple once. But I just borrowed the idea since it sounded like a Luna-ish thing *smiles innocently*. And finally thank you for the comment about the atmosphere. That had me grinning to myself. I try and stick by the same style format of the earlier books so I'm glad that comes out. Anyway, thanks once again for such a nice review (and now I probably sound like a broken record for repeating myself, but oh well). He was so depressed, he tried to commit suicide by inhaling next to an Armenian. - Woody Allen
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 2 from darklordmike on April 10, 2009
Interesting departure from canon events; I particularly like the realistic character interaction. For some reason I only discovered your story when you recently updated, but so far this is excellent stuff.
Author reply
Thanks. I'm glad you found it and are enjoying it. That's always nice to hear. The reason for the departure from canon was because I had a basic plot which I thought of at least two years ago - probably more like three - and I needed to slot it in somewhere before Voldemort's resurrection. Then I just needed a logical reason and voila. Anyway, thanks for the review and I hope you continue to enjoy it. I installed a skylight in my apartment...The people who live above me are furious. - Steven Wright
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 14 from whatareyouevensaying on April 10, 2009
Glad to have you writing again. This update was very interesting, though I do wish Harry and Padma would get a move on. Damn shyness... Looking forward to more.
Author reply
Yes, it was far too long since I last update. I apologise for that since I know how annoying it can be. To be honest, I figured most people would have forgotten about this fic since it's been so long, so it's a pleasant surprise that people haven't. I, too, think that Harry and Padma need to get a bit of a move maybe in the next few chapters. Probably before they go on their own Easter holiday. Anyway, thank you for the review. I'm personally mortified at how long this chapter took to write and so have already started the next chapter and am hoping to get it out before I have to start revising for my summer exams in June. To be perfectly honest, I'm hoping to complete the story before I start my third year. We'll see how that aim goes, however! And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected. - Spike Milligan
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 14 from Sesc on April 10, 2009
Hey, you updated! As always, wonderful, smile-inducing moments between Harry and Padma. All my own current stories have conflicted or adult characters, which leads to according relationships -- not that I mind working with them, I love explore complex natures. But after writing about conflicts and schemings and violence and all that stuff, this is always a nice and welcome change. Especially as I'm sure I couldn't write it as well as you did (my strength is elsewhere), so I'm simply leaning back in my chair and enjoy; this story makes me happy and want to hug my screen every so often. Moments like this "Unfortunately for Harry this seemed to make things worse. She was now clinging to him and soaking his top with her tears - and likely some snot by the way she was sniffing." are just great, a little bit cute, totally real and so very honest. Or Harry telling her by the way that he liked her "that much". Or the almost-but-not-really kiss-moment. Or ... Loved it. As for the mystery, I'm not sure anymore. I did think I had a vague idea at one point, but it's been too long. I think I'll re-read the entire thing over Easter. But in any case, I liked the look into Auror-business, even if it did have nothing all that much to do with the actual plot (I think?) - Sesc
Author reply
Hey right back! And yes, it did take far, far too long to write this chapter. I actually made a vow back in January to not read any HP fanfiction 'til I updated... which meant that I ended up reading Star Wars fanfiction. So terrible, though I did read a funny one where Jabba the Hutt was to be trained as a Sith... OK, enough of that and on to the chapter itself. I think writing Harry and Padma is the easiest thing in this story, so I'm glad it comes across OK. To be honest, it's wonderful hearing that you like those scenes. It made me grin inanely at my computer screen. Still on the topic of Harry-Padma, I've started writing the next chapter (I'm hoping to improve the update rate since leaving it so long made me feel really guilty) and there's a bit of Padma/Harry goodness at the start which will hopefully go down well. Anyway, mystery-wise, I'm pretty much guaranteeing that all shall be revealed in Chapter Sixteen. That's the plan, anyway. There are so many clues scattered about that I figure I better get on with it before everyone but Harry figures it out. I will mention that in one chapter there's one word which gives away the whole thing if you can find it. Oh, and the Auror section wasn't in the plan at all. It just sort of happened in one of those strange detours that you never quite expect. Only one bit was relevant to the plot of this year, but other bits are foreshadowing for things to come. Anyway, I've rambled on enough, I think. I will get around to reading your last two updates of The French Affair (I have the distinct feeling that Chapter 2 was uploading whilst I was studying for my viva and was consequently ignored). Oh, and thanks for such a lovely review, which I probably should have said first. I really appreciate it. The best defence against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off. - Anonymous
Review for Rustlings in the Dark Chapter 13 from KrashKou on April 08, 2009
In absolute honesty, I was enjoying this story completely and totally, without pause. So it actually took me a moment of 'dry-clicking' to realize that the next chapter wasn't loading because there was no next chapter to load. 'Ah Shit!' Was and will be my first thought on the matter every time I reach the end of a new chapter in this wonderful story! It's beautiful, and I love the burgeoning relationship between Harry and Padma (Which is a ship that I've only recently discovered, but have since fallen in love with.) especially owing to the fact that it's actually being built on, instead of simply happening. Now, relationship aside, I've got to say that I really enjoy this alternate fourth year idea which is saying something, because I love the (LOVE!) the Tri Wizard Tournament. Hell, book 4's my favorite simply because of the idea, and I love year 4 fics because it never ceases to amuse me how the challenges are tackles by different folks. So, to say that I'm definitely enjoying this story means a bit more than my average endorsement. Keep up the good work, and I hope that, when this year's over, we, the readers, get to see what you make of the tournament. Ta for now, Kidder.
Author reply
Thank you for such a nice review and I’m sorry for the dry-clicking experience since this story’s been a bit neglected. Real life sort of interfered for a few months however, the next chapter is written and will be posted shortly. It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying Padma and Harry’s relationship. It was a bit worrying since, let’s face it, she’s an OC with a canon character’s name. But I’ve read so many stories where Harry falls in love overnight or even, in the case of canon, gets a chest monster to dictate his love life, that I wanted to make it a bit more realistic and have a bit more of a build-up. So I’m glad you’re enjoying the build-up. I’m glad you like my alternate take on fourth year. I actually have a vague outline of what happens in the next few years and I’m really looking forward to writing the Triwizard Tournament. I know how everything goes until Halloween in quite a bit of detail. I just need to think up a few more tasks, though I have some ideas floating around. Anyway, thanks again for the review and I hope the next chapter doesn’t disappoint since, frankly, I was just happy to get it over with. I used to have a handle on life. Then it broke. – Anonymous
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