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Review for The Traveler's Secret Chapter 6 from Inziladun on April 11, 2009
I'm not sure this is interesting for me, there doesn't seem to be anything that we can relate to. I though at the end of this chapter that maybe Harry was going to be a character in the story, but it seems he is dead, so there goes my hope... If what you're trying to write is a story about what happened to Dumbledore, then I don't think I'm going to be interested much longer. Nothing wrong with your writing (I think) but the topic does nothing for me. I don't usually like anything other than Harry-centric. I will however wait a couple of chapters to see if I like this. In any case, keep up working, I'm sure lots of people will enjoy the fic.
Author reply
Thank you for the review. This isn't a Harry centric story mostly because it takes place in 1940, which is way before Harry's parents are even born. I'm sorry to disappoint, but Harry will not be in this story. Thank you again for my first review!
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