Reviews 1 - 3 of 3
Review for Burn, Baby, Burn Chapter 8 from Vilkath on July 12, 2008
Interseting idea's over all but I suppose the biggest flaw of all these one shots is the logic behind them. The author paints a picture of a drasticaly changed Harry but some how still following all the cannon events like a slave. Sure it happens enough in bad AU stories but still why would an anti social harry like this who wants nothing but to kill Hermonie and Ron almost all the time be their friends? Why are all the events exactly the same? Why does every one always seem suprised about his powers despite the fact he plays with them in public almost all the time? LIke I said most the idea's are pretty nice but the logic failsi n any way you look at it and that is perhaps the best part of the 'what if game'. When the situation could believably happen it is a lot more fun to read.
Review for Burn, Baby, Burn Chapter 8 from jettftw on January 07, 2008
That was good stuff.
Review for Burn, Baby, Burn Chapter 8 from LINKed up on January 02, 2008
Syao, you are epic. Nuff said.
Reviews 1 - 3 of 3