Reviews 1 - 2 of 2
Review for Memento Immori Chapter 1 from Omagic on February 05, 2008
Very well written first chapter, I love the style and intrigue of it all! I'm not sure if it was your intention to move the plot along quickly, but I think that the pace set in the first chapter was an effective device for setting the tone of the fic. Omagic
Author reply
Thanks, Omagic. The speed was definitely intentional, and I wanted to tell the story in only a few chapters instead of going on about random crap for ten pages. The sections were a bit abrupt, but I did hope that they'd convey the sense of urgency. I plan to keep this pace all through the story. Thanks again. ~ Mors
Review for Memento Immori Chapter 1 from joe_6991 on February 04, 2008
Hey there, I came here to catch up on some of my current readings and found a brand new story to get in to that just proves, as everything else does so far, that only the best of the best end up on - great beginning! Exciting, draws you in, good use of quotes and narrative dilemma - sets a scene if used sparingly, creates suspense - and there's more than enough hatred and badassosity (real word, check a dictionary) to make me believe Harry is going to be more than a little ticked off over the next few chapters. Which is good - I like to see him lose it. Spelling, grammar, all that stuff is fine, good, great - need not say more there. I always like to leave a review with a little meat on it - but there's not much to say so early in the game here. Great beginning - more than a few questions to be answered, which is the whole point of a beginning so top marks there, Mors. Hmm... I wanted to read more so I tracked down your user page and found the second chapter! Great stuff, again - the duels were cool, duels usually are, all good. Basically everything I just wrote about the first chapter applies here again - still a great beginning. "You do not survive death, Miss," He snarled, the anger and despair trying to burn its way through to his voice. "You just delay it a little." Ha, that's awesome, coolest statement - good use of a superlative. I told you they'd come. All in all I guess I'm looking forward to read more - this is going to be one of those 'fun' stories, although 'fun' is entirely the wrong word to describe what I mean. Well-written, readable, likeable protagonist, awesome bad guys with all the attitude and such. You know, 'fun', but not in a fun way - in a good writing, exciting story, want to see more soon way. Yeah, think I'm making sense. He.Did.Not.Wish.To.Die. YES! Yes, yes, yes! Sheer will, sheer defiance, sheer soul. Best line in the story. Bad guys should shy away from that straight away if they've seen enough movies, read enough books, then they'll know that this is exactly what a hero should be. And heroes don't quit. Well, I think I'm spent now on this review - I never seem to end up criticising anything in my reviews, but then I only review stories that don't seem to need it because, overall, they're awesome and the writer knows exactly what they're doing. Cheers, Mors, good story, dude. All the best, joe
Author reply
Huh, this respond feature gave me trouble for a moment or two. I c wut it does thar. joe: Thanks for the review, once again! It's awesome getting reviewed by an author whom you've read when you were still a teenager (or barely adult). Huh, it's not that I really wanted Harry to be a truly *good* hero here, and as the story goes on he'll "lose it" even more which, frankly, may lead to some terrible things. For his friends as well as his enemies. All gloves are off. But what defines Harry, more than his inherent goodness, more than the rage that drives him at times. is his unwillingness to submit... Defiance. Until the end. I aim to show that sheer courage in his soul above everything else. Because all of his other emotions, all his other feelings feel to me just... accidents. Tricks of the light. Hoping to succeed, here. Cheers. ~ Mors.
Reviews 1 - 2 of 2