Title: TGYH: Harry Potter and the Sexy Sphinx | Harry always had been a curious boy...Challenge Response. | |
Author:Taure | + / - | ASSSTV | |
Rating: R | Category:Humor/Parody/Other | Reviews:3| Published: January 11, 2008 | Updated: January 11, 2008 | |
Tags: Harry, Sphinx, Sexy, Lulz, Fleur |
Reviews 1 - 3 of 3
Review for TGYH: Harry Potter and the Sexy Sphinx Chapter 1 from NHarem on December 07, 2012
Review for TGYH: Harry Potter and the Sexy Sphinx Chapter 1 from Basilisk1 on April 23, 2011
Review for TGYH: Harry Potter and the Sexy Sphinx Chapter 1 from Clell65619 on May 19, 2008
"Great, thought Harry, of all the Sphinxes in the world, I just had to end up with the blonde one."
- The very best line in any fic anywhere.
Reviews 1 - 3 of 3